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"What are you guys doing here?" Maggie asked as she stepped inside the Chapman house, seeing everybody there.

"We flew up with Leland," Beth smiled. "We wanted to keep it a surprise so we told him to shut up about it." Beth walked up to Maggie and hugged her gently.

"Don't worry, we didn't give up everything just to see you," Duane Lee mocked. "We have a lot of bounties down here."

"So we were thinking about staying here at least until the baby comes... longer than that but it depends on how the bonds in Hawaii are and how it goes here," Duane smiled and hugged Maggie. "Oh I'm excited."

"Did you pick a name yet?" Cecily asked.

"We think so but we're waiting..." Leland answered, looking at Maggie. "She doesn't want to name him yet."

"That's understandable," Beth replied, grinning. The days went by, Maggie spending most of them either with the Chapmans or at the farm, as she was getting closer to the end of her pregnancy.

Her birthday was coming up quickly, and even though everybody told her that they were only planning a dinner, she knew they were hiding something.

"We aren't planning much, with the baby coming, it's a lot so we have a nice dinner planned for you with plenty of food," Beth smiled at Maggie, tapping her shoulder as she walked past her.

"I don't believe that one bit," Maggie said quietly. "But either way, I'm always pumped for food," she laughed and sat down on the couch, turning on the tv.

"You don't have to believe us," Justin responded.

"It's the truth," Leland grinned.

"Exactly," Duane Lee smiled.

"I agree," Dog responded," taking a bite of his pizza as he walked out of the living room.

Sure enough, her birthday came along. Lyssa was taking her out for coffee - where she treated her to a Frappuccino (decaf, of course) and a large breakfast. She spent the day with Leland after that, doing little trips and even quite a bit of baby shopping - where Leland promised to get her anything she wanted for the baby. In early afternoon, Leland brought her to the farm - where they had set up a surprise baby shower.

Maggie's jaw dropped. She completely forgot about a baby shower - Beth and Lyssa have been left and right buying stuff for the baby, she didn't worry about having everything. Not to mention, even though she feels bad when Leland's buys things for her, she did not feel bad when Leland bought everything he did for the baby. She wanted to give him the childhood she never had.

Jake, Jimmy, Terry, her two sisters, along with all the Chapman's and some family friends came to the shower, bringing all sorts of gifts for the little one.

"When's you're due date?" Justin's mom asked.

"December 22," Maggie responded, smiling a little.

"Two months left," Duane Lee smiled.

"Are you serious?" Maggie asked, looking at him. "It's November 17."

"Ohh, right, your birthday. Nevermind, one month left," he grinned, picking up the box holding a crib and bringing it outside into the truck. Maggie looked at Beth and Lyssa, grinning and pulling them into a hug.

"Thank you guys so much," she said softly.

"No problem," Beth laughed. "I can't wait."

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