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She put on the tee shirt Leland gave her, looking at her reflection in the mirror. Her legs were so sore from running, but it was worth it. She was pumped that she was able to catch the fugitive, and she was happy that the girl ended up okay. She brushed through her slightly damp hair and then left the bathroom, walking into Leland's room.

He looked at her, smiling at the shirt. "Looks nice."

"Shut up," she smiled, putting her bounty equipment on his nightstand. "I like it."

"Me too," he smiled, laying down in his bed, sighing. "I gotta spend more time with you before we fly back to Hawaii."

"Do you want to stay with me during spring break?" Maggie asks, sitting down next to him on his bed.

"Sure, if we don't have bounties," Leland says, smiling as he wraps his arm around Maggie. "You have no idea how much I missed you," he said softly, holding her close. "You did good tonight, my Dad's really proud of you," he grins.

"I'm just glad she's okay," she sighed, snuggling up to him. She was tired, slowly drifting off to sleep in his arms.

"Me too," Leland said quietly. "I'm glad you're okay."

"Me too." Maggie sighed.

"Duane Lee is all excited for summer, he says he's got a lot of pranks lined up."

She laughed. "We'll prank him back," she said as she nuzzled her head into his neck, resting her hand on his abdomen. "I can't wait until the end of this school year. To just be done for a few months... spend them with you, and Lyssa, and Beth and everybody..." her voice was getting quiet and slow, showing that she was drifting off.

"It's gonna be a good summer with you..." he said quietly, listening to the change in her breathing as she finally fell into sleep. Leland smiled, pulling his blankets up and wrapping them around her. He gave her a gentle kiss, brushing her hair behind her ear. He looked at her, speaking in a soft voice, he spoke. "I love you."

He reached his hand up and shut off his lamp, resting back and holding her tight. He leaned his head against hers, listening to her breathing, feeling the soft skin of her hand up against his abdomen. He smiled, wondering how he got so lucky to have her in his life. He closed his eyes, listening as she drew in a small breath.

"I love you too."

Bounty (Leland Chapman Fanfiction - Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now