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After Leland and Duane Lee made up, they got in the water with Maggie and the kids, swimming. Gary was taking risks and swimming in the deep end, so they wanted to stay close in case anything happened.

"You ever go surfing?" Leland asks Maggie, smiling at her.

"Nope," she shook her head.

"Alright, let's go," Leland grinned.

"What?" Maggie asked.

Leland brought Maggie out to the deep ocean, where he went over everything with her. It took a few shots, but after a bit, she caught a wave and didn't fall off. Leland took both Maggie and Gary out surfing for a bit. Towards the end of the day, the group went out for dinner, where Maggie decided to mess with Duane Lee instead. When he got up to use the bathroom, Maggie smiled. She grabbed the hot sauce, pouring about 2 tablespoons into Duane Lee's ketchup he had on his plate, taking his knife and stirring it in. She also added a lot of salt to his beverage. Dog chuckled as Maggie sat back, munching on her fries.

Duane Lee came back, grinning as he giggled at Maggie, who was leaning up against Leland. "You think you're funny, huh?" Maggie asked.

"Yeah," Duane Lee sat down. "I do," he grabbed a fry, dipping it in the ketchup and taking a bite. Maggie stared at him, along with everybody else. His face went red as he realized what Maggie did. "Oh, you, think you're so funny," he said, wincing as he chugged his beverage. He cringed even more as they all started laughing. "This," he held up the drink. "Means game on."

Maggie ended up being a good sport and buying him another drink. After dinner, they went back to the house, where everybody dispersed to take showers and go to bed. After Maggie took her shower, she got changed into shorts and a tank top before making her way to Leland's room, smiling when she saw he was already in his bed, shirtless and watching tv. She stood in his doorway for a moment, before he spoke up.

"What are you waiting for?" He asked, smiling as he pat the bed. Maggie grinned, shutting the door and getting next to him in bed. Leland smiled, rolling on his side, facing Maggie as he gently kissed her. She returned the kiss, which lasted minutes as Leland ended up on top, his lips trailing down to her collarbone, where she took a small breath, her fingertips slipping to the inside of the waist of his boxers.

"I'm ready," she said quietly, her hands resting on his waist. He stopped, looking down at her.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yeah," she said softly. Leland looked at her, nodding a little before he leaned back down to kiss her, his hands gently going on her waist, underneath her shirt.

The night went on, the moonlight just barely lighting up their figures, Maggie wearing a gentle grin, her head resting on Leland's chest, rising and falling with each breath, as she drifted off to sleep.

Her eyelids fluttered open, the sunlight just barely over the treetops, the glowing light reflecting off of Leland's skin, causing a glowing orange light to fill the room. She felt Leland's hand gently running through her hair. She rose her head, looking at him. She leaned down, giving him a kiss.

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