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"It's coming along great," Maggie smiled a bit as she stepped back, admiring the nursery they had started.

"Are you excited?" Beth asked as she wrapped an arm around Maggie.

"...yeah," she nodded. "I am. I'm just... nervous."

"It's okay to be," Lyssa smiled. "We'll help you." Maggie smiled a bit, nodding as she smiled at the flooring. Maggie's mind flashed to the first time she met Leland, seeing his, what she thought at the time stupid braid, and his smile when he made eye contact with her in her living room back at the farm. Maggie grinned, coming back to reality as she felt a sharp pain. She winced a little, Beth being quick to help her sit down.

"I'm okay," Maggie said softly. "This has been happening, the doc says it's fine, she's guessing it'll be another couple weeks. I just can't get too excited or stressed," she rested her head back.

"Well," Beth started. "We've got it all pretty much done, everything that is left we will finish when the little rascal comes home."

"I can't believe it's almost time," Lyssa smiled. "I'm so excited."

"I'm just thankful for all of the help you guys have been doing for me. I wouldn't... I don't think I'd still be on my way to med school without you guys. Whether or not, I'd still do everything I can to give him the best life possible... but it just means so much that I'm able to do all that I have."

"Maggie, you're part of our family now. Whether you like it or not, we are here to help." Lyssa grinned.

"Oh I love it," Maggie smiled as she stood back up. "Alright, we can finish the curtains but then I gotta go back home. I have a big day of homework ahead of me today, it's already 10, I want to start before noon," Maggie took a deep breath as she began to unpack the baby blue curtains they had picked up.

After the curtains were put up, Maggie took one final look at the room, trying to picture herself as a mother, before she felt hands on her shoulders.

"You ready to go?" Duane Lee asked behind her, looking down at her.

"Yeah... I just... it's exciting," she walked past Duane Lee and went downstairs, grabbing her backpack and getting into Duane Lee's 5 passenger truck, getting in the back, whereas Beth was sitting in the passenger and Duane Lee eventually got in the Driver's seat, turning the vehicle on and began driving towards Maggie's apartment.

Author's Note:
Hey everybody! I'm so sorry for the break, I left a message in my conversation board giving a short explanation, but basically I just needed a mental break. I'm more than happy to see that so many more people are enjoying my story! I'd love to hear from some of you, and thank you so much for the support!

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