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After another bounty, it was time to get ready for Cecily's 16th birthday party. Maggie had spent one night by herself in her own room, but the previous two nights she fell asleep talking to Leland in his room. She and him had gotten pretty close pretty quick, and everybody else had caught on.

"Do I have to wear a dress?" Maggie asked, cringing as she looked at Beth and Lyssa, the men standing in the background laughing. "I prefer jeans. Or sweatpants."

"You're wearing a dress," Beth said. "I have been waiting to jump at the opportunity to dress you up because you are beautiful," Beth smiled as she clapped her hands in excitement. Maggie sighed.

"You have to, it's my party, I make the rules," Cecily said as she walked past them and outside.

"Honey, take off the overalls, you're a Hawaiian now," Beth smiled.

"I hate overalls," Maggie grinned.

"Perfect!" She threw her hands up.

"Fine, okay, okay," Maggie gave in. She looked at Leland, who mouthed the words 'good luck' before leaving with Duane Lee and Dog, going to get a surprise car for Cecily. Justin stayed back, he was sent with the girls to 'supervise' and make sure no 'dramatic outbursts' occur. The entire time, Leland, Duane Lee and Dog were picking on Justin over the radio, acting like Justin was dealing with wild animals.

"Look at this," Beth smiled, holding up a black and blue sundress. "This is going to look gorgeous on you," she gasped and held it up against Maggie. "The black brings out your hair and the blue and your eyes-" she gasped. "Try it on, try it on!" Maggie eyed Justin who was laughing. She took the dress from Beth, going into the dressing room. She put in on, and it was a perfect fit. But she took one look at the price tag and winced.

"No way I'm letting them pay for this," Maggie mumbled under her breath. She stepped out of the dressing room, watching as Beth, Lyssa and Cecily looked at her.

Justin had enough of the guys, clicking his radio on as he said "you know what's perfect about that black and blue dress? I think it matches Leland's suit?" Maggie looked at Justin, glaring. "Oh, did I say that out loud? And on the radio? Oopsies."

The girls all got what they needed, where Maggie attempted to pay - but Beth wouldn't let her. After shopping, both groups met up at a restaurant for lunch, where they found a booth and sat around it. After ordering food, Maggie's phone dinged. She glanced at it, frowning before putting it back down. It dinged again, and she shut her ringer off. "Unknown number," Maggie said quietly to Leland, who was looking at her. She showed him the texts, he furrowed his eyebrows. The phone started ringing, and Maggie handed it to Leland to answer it, in case it was the fugitive that had her phone number.

"Yeah?" Leland said. "Who's this? Nah it's not. Yeah well whatever this girl did, doesn't give you the right to say shit like that, man," Leland frowned, looking at the phone as the caller hung up.

After this, Maggie watched as Dog and Beth talked with Cecily about her party, when the food arrived. They ate their food, and then left to get ready for the party. There was a bar set up for adults, where Dog offered Maggie a drink, and she hesitated, but denied it. After the party, the group got home, only for Lyssa to start having very bad contractions. Beth began timing them, where Maggie kept track of her blood pressure, pulse, and oxygen levels, since Lyssa was getting lightheaded. Finally, after all night of pains, Beth decided it was time to go to the hospital.

Lyssa had a healthy baby girl, who she and Bo had already named Madelynn. As night came, Dog, Duane Lee, Leland and Maggie left the hospital to go back to the house. Leland decided that he wanted to take Maggie out, officially as a date, for the first time. He got ready by putting on a plain black tee shirt and jeans, standing in Maggie's doorway. She turned to him, noticing he changed. "What's up?" She asked.

"We're goin' out," Leland smiled.

"On a bounty?"

He laughed. "No, on a date."

Maggie smiled a little, stepping forward. "Okay, what should I-"

"You're good, c'mon," Leland smiled, gently grabbing her hand. Leland brought her into his truck, where he drove them to a Wendy's and got some food to go before driving through a dense forest, on backroads. Leland parked the truck where the road ends, getting out. Maggie followed, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Second time now where you've brought me somewhere and I thought I'm gonna die," Maggie said quietly, walking next to Leland.

"What's the first time?"

"The beach, fishing at night, swimming," she sighed. "Where are you taking me now?"

"Are you scared of heights?"

"A little bit..."

"You're okay," Leland told her as they walked out of the forest, where there was a small grassy area, the edge of a cliff. The view was incredible - you could see every house for miles and millions of stars.

"Fast food on a cliff in the middle of the night..." Maggie looked at him. "You're a special one."

"Do you like it?" Leland asked, sitting down on the grass with the bag of food.

"I love exotic things," she smiled, sitting down next to him.

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