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Maggie thought, however, that they were on a bounty, but that was not the complete truth.

Leland had left the group to arrive at Danny's door, where he was staying for the winter.

Next thing he knew it, Leland was in Danny's room, handing him a small, black velvet box. Danny took it in his hands, smiling down at it as he opened it to reveal a ring. It was beautiful, a diamond surrounded by little diamonds, and the ring was lined with little specks of these beautiful gems.

"I wasn't sure whether to come to you or Jake. I know Jake doesn't think of himself as her father, and neither does she. You're like... her brother. You're the closest thing she has to family, so I wanted to ask you if I have your ble-"

"Yes," Danny cut Leland off, snickering at the ring. "Of course you do. You... Leland, you have been, well, just... amazing to her. Of course you do."

And just like like, Leland was on his way back to Colorado, the black velvet box in his pocket as he grinned to himself. Beth and Duane had left to return the fugitive they caught earlier that day and were in a different car, so Leland was driving himself home.

When he got there, he walked inside, smiling when he saw Maggie asleep on his bed, Sam beside her, an evil smile on his face when he spotted Leland. He began kicking, a soft whine coming from his lips.

"No you don't," Leland shook his head, gently picking up his son, whispering to him. "Do not wake your mother up." Leland took Sam to the chair in the corner of the room, where Sam could still watch Maggie's face. Leland began rocking, quietly as he whispered little words into his baby son's ear. The little boy looked at his father, his little lips curving to form a grin as he slowly fell asleep.

While Leland was sitting in the chair, rocking, he watched Maggie and Sam sleep, his attention going between the two. He smiled, thinking over his plan in his head.

His first ideas were ridiculous, and had Leland written all over them. Putting the ring in Sam's swaddle, leaving it in her medical bag, putting a ring in the coffee maker so when it doesn't work she has to take it apart to figure out why, and then find it. But then, he thought of the most brilliant plan he could think of.

What made them fall in love? Going on bounties together, spending time in Hawaii, and how she instantly developed trust for Leland. He came up with a great idea, that still had Leland written all over it because of how undeniably cheesy it was. So he got up, gently placing the sleeping Sam back beside Maggie, putting a gentle kiss on both of their heads, and then walking out of the room to talk over the plan with his family.

When Maggie woke up, coming downstairs, she found the family suiting up, nervous looks on all of their faces. "What's wrong?" She asked.

"Put Sam down, we need you, we're going on a bounty. Cecily can stay here and watch him, but we need you for this bounty."

Maggie sighed. "But my baby..." she said quietly, holding onto Sam's finger. "He needs me."

"Well the 13 year old girl with alcoholic parents needs you too," Duane replied as he put his taser in his holster. I sighed, handing Sam to Cecily. Cecily had babysat Sam before while Maggie slept, and Maggie knew he was in good hands with her.

It had been forever since she's been on a bounty, but she trusted Duane.

Sure enough, she went. They arrived at the scene, and Maggie waited in the truck. Since she had just had a baby, she needed to take it easy. So she waited, until Duane Lee called her inside via walkie talkie. She walked into the large apartment complex, walking up the stairs where Duane Lee stood outside a closed door. He smirked, and she furrowed her eyebrows at the way he worded his sentence.

"There's a little girl in there waiting for you," Duane Lee said before walking off. Maggie furrowed her brows, walking into the room to see Leland standing in the middle of a dim lit room full of lit candles. She watched, confused as she saw the two truck headlights in the window leave.

The others left them, they just... drove away. That's when Maggie realized what was going on.

She watched, smiling, as Leland dropped to one knee.

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