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The summer was going by relatively quick. It was already early July, and the group was getting ready to go on a bounty. The fugitive, Pablo, is a drug dealer, he's Duane's size but has been compliant with law enforcement in the past, so they were optimistic about this one. They got in their trucks, and began driving to the location written on his bail application. When they got there, Maggie stayed back, sticking next to Duane as they went around looking for positive IDs. Maggie stayed back, watching people and their reactions, keeping an eye on everybody and any details that they could possibly need in the future. She watched all the neighbors, taking a good look at each persons face.

She noticed Leland and Beth getting into an argument with a woman holding a baby, watching as she pushed Beth back. Leland stepped forward, putting his hand up to the woman as a warning, causing her to back off, walking back into her apartment, cussing to herself. Beth sighed, approaching Duane and Maggie.

"She's pissed, I think our guy is her dealer. She reeks of ice," Beth explained.

"Her baby looks premature," Maggie mumbled to herself as she paid attention to people gossiping in the parking lot. "They're texting somebody."

"Hey," Duane Lee said, walking over to them. "Don't be texting nobody or else you'll go to jail for aiding and imbedding." Duane Lee talked with them, Beth eventually joined in and worked some other magic, convincing them to give her an address. They all got in their vehicles and headed to the address.

"Maggie, you okay?" Beth asked, glancing in her mirror and seeing Maggie laying down, head on Leland's lap.

"I'm okay," she said quietly.

"She's lightheaded and nauseous," Leland spoke for her.

"Nauseous is an overstatement," she said softly. "I'm okay. Perfectly great." She looked up at Leland and smiled.

When they arrived at the trailer park they were told to go too, they stuck by the trucks, debating with themselves on the safest way to go about this. Many people rely on Pablo, and don't want him to go to jail because they want to keep getting their drugs, so they might get defensive if asked where he is. Beth gave Maggie some water, and she said she felt better.

"Let's just go trailer to trailer, talk to everybody a bit first, and if they seem nice and happy, toss his name out there and see how they respond. If they seem mean and angry, wish them a good day and keep their trailer in mind and move on," Dog ordered. "Everybody be safe. Don't approach any trailers with no trespassing signs. Abide by their rules, be careful, stay close to one another."

"Sounds good," Duane Lee nodded as the group went on, spreading apart. Maggie visited a couple trailers. The first one had an elderly man, who seemed a little on edge but when Pablos name came up, he explained he didn't want to get involved and wasn't comfortable with talking much. All he knew was he was in the area often. The second trailer had a woman, about in her late 50's, drug addict. She was rude and disrespectful, so Maggie went on to the next one, and to the next. She made it to a smaller trailer, and it reeked of all sorts of drugs. Maggie knocked on the door, and it didn't take long for a late 20's girl to answer. She looked at Maggie, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Hey, how's it going?" Maggie asked with a small smile, looking at her.

"Who are you?" She asked. Maggie took a breath, noticing a picture in the background of her and the fugitive. Maggie looked up at her.

"Are you Pablo's girlfriend...?" She asked softly. The woman's face dropped. She glared at Maggie.

"You're Caroline, aren't you?" She was pissed.

"No, I'm not," she laughed a little, trying to lighten up the mood. It was obvious to her that this woman was stoned, her eyes bloodshot and half open, she was stumbling over her words and having trouble standing upright. "I'm actually trying to find him to see if I can make a deal with him-"

"No, no honey, no you aren't. Your face - it - your face looks just like he described, you're Caroline," she was very angry, making Maggie a little nervous. Maggie rested her hands on her belt, gripping her taser, watching the girl stumble in her trailer.

"I'm not Caroline, now if you could calm down a little bit and keep your hands out of your pockets," she raised her taser when she noticed the woman grabbing something, fumbling with it.

The rest of the group was spread out a little, talking to different people. Duane Lee was at a trailer a little bit away from Maggie, but close enough where he looked up when he heard Maggie shouting. He watched as she shot the taser, getting ready to run. He froze when he heard the gunshot, seeing Maggie drop to the ground, he took off running, yelling for the others. He looked at Maggie, unconscious, and blood leaking out from her chest.

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