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Maggie woke up in her apartment, remembering everything that had happened the previous night. They went to about 4 different bars, she didn't get super drunk, but Duane Lee and Leland did. They drove back to her apartment, where they had a few more drinks and eventually fell asleep.

There was a point where she almost lost control, but Dog kept a hold of her and made sure she didn't. He knew that eventually, there would be a point where she does lose her control, but he just hopes that she'll be safe afterwards. He knew he'd eventually have to work with her on having control, since alcoholism runs in her genes just like it does his. He told himself last night that when the time comes, where he finds out that she made a mistake involving alcohol, that he would sit down with her and talk it out. He promised himself he will be there for her when it happens, because it will. It happened with him, it will happen with her. And he will get her through it.

Maggie sat up, looking at Leland, passed out next to her. She smiled, hearing his quiet snores before she got up from the bed, rubbing her head. She walked into the kitchen, seeing Lyssa and Beth awake, cooking up a storm. Maggie's eyes widened when she saw Duane Lee, Justin and Dog both on the couch, sleeping side by side. She looked at Beth and Lyssa, smiling.

"Good morning," they said in sync. "We'll pay you back for the food."

"You don't have to," Maggie smiled.

"Leland still alive?" Beth asked. Maggie giggled and nodded. "You've never seen him drunk before, have you?"

"Nope," she smiled.

"All the boys try to stay away from alcohol, but when they're in groups when somebody is staying sober and controlling everyone, they go all out," Lyssa smiled. "But," she looked at Maggie. "I don't touch it. I hit rock bottom, I was by myself and made a mistake, ever since then I haven't touched it."

Duane was the next one to wake up, pushing his son and nephew away from him, standing up and stretching. Eventually, everybody was awake, and they all sat down to eat breakfast.

"I like your apartment," Duane Lee said, taking a bite of bacon.

"Thanks," Maggie responded, sitting back in her chair. After they all woke up, they took off to the Chapman's house, where they got an urgent call to go after a fugitive.

Within the next week, Maggie went on two bounties, finished her schoolwork and classes just in time for Thanksgiving, which the two families decided to celebrate together at the farm. The night before thanksgiving, Leland and Maggie both arrived at the farm for dinner, where Jake and Terry wanted to have some time to talk with Leland and Leland wanted to get to know Jake and Terry.

Maggie and Terry cooked dinner together, spending some time together and Sarah eventually joining in to help. Danny, Leland and Jake walked around the farm, checking out some of the animals as they talked as well. It was important to Leland that he was close with her family, or at least the people who are closest to family to her. He wanted them to trust him, and they wanted the same.

After dinner was done, they sat in the living room to eat dinner. Maggie smiled as Sarah and Zach sat down on either side of her, blocking out Leland from sitting next to her. Instead, he went next to Danny.

"I missed you," Sarah said to Maggie, eating her food.

"Me too," Zach added.

"I missed you kiddos too," Maggie smiled. After dinner, everybody went to bed after cleaning up, leaving Leland and Maggie in the living room. "You haven't even seen my room yet," Maggie smiled.

"I have not," Leland responded in a quiet voice, looking at her.

"Do you want to stay tonight? Beth and Lyssa are coming over early to help with food. I'll be doing farm stuff, you can help," she smiled.

"Of course," he responded.

Maggie's room had blue walls, hardwood flooring and 4 windows. She had her own bathroom and closet, all of which she kept pretty clean. Leland and her got in her bed, just about to fall asleep when she heard sniffing at the door.

"You might hate me," Maggie said quietly, getting up. "But that's Zane," she opened the door, letting a very happy border collie in the room, shutting it after him as the dog hopped up on the bed, happily laying down next to Leland. Leland chuckled, petting the dog as Maggie got back in the bed.

"Why would I hate you?" He asked, petting him.

"Because he sleeps in the bed with me sometimes, didn't want you to get jealous," she smiles as she lays back in the bed, cuddling up to Leland.

The next morning, Maggie and Leland woke up to a happy "hello!" From Beth as they walked into the house. Maggie and Leland got ready, going downstairs to greet Beth and Lyssa.

"Is Danny sleeping?" Maggie asked, looking at Terry.

"Yes," she nodded.

"Have the morning chores been done?"

"No, but you don't have to worry about that-"

"I got it," she smiled. "I miss the birds." Maggie didn't hesitate to walk out of the house with Leland, going straight to the chicken coop. After a few hours, around 1 pm, the rest of the group arrived. They all helped out around the farm and kitchen, getting everything ready for dinner. Finally, when dinner came, the two families sat down at the table, where Duane led a prayer, and then they began to eat.

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