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Danny took a breath, looking out at the farm as he began his morning. It was a little tough at first, when Maggie went to college. Jake and Terry never thought of themselves as Maggie's parents, mainly because she never wanted to think of them that way. She still thinks of them as the nice people who took her in, simply her best friends parents. Yes, she's grateful for them and she loves them like family, and they are grateful for her and love her, but they aren't her parents.

Maggie helped out a lot around the farm, so when she left, the other workers at the farm got some extra hours and cover for her. When Maggie is around, she helps out as much as she can. However, when she isn't around, there is still work being done.

Danny smiled at his brother and sister, running with the dogs as they made their way through the field. He began his morning routine, beginning with the chickens.

Back at the Chapman house, Duane Lee and Dog had just returned from a quick and easy bounty, being greeted by bacon and eggs, gladly sitting and chowing down. Leland sat next to Duane Lee, sighing as he grabbed a plate of food.

"See Maggie last night?" Duane Lee asked.

"No, but we talked," he said as he ate more food. He was exhausted from the past few days, bounty after bounty, nonstop, combined with missing Maggie, who was scrambling to get her work done.

"She doing okay?" Duane asked.

"Yeah, she's stressed and busy... she's pushing through."

"She's smart, she'll make it," Duane nodded.

Leland looked at his father. "She can't wait for summer though."

"That's good," he laughed. "I love taking her with us."

"Is she coming on a bounty this weekend?" Duane Lee asked.

"She sure is," Leland smiled. "I'll give her the info in the car."

"It is a female, a little taller than Maggie but she can handle her. My worry is the girl's a major drug addict, so we gotta watch out for her."

"She's a hider, too, right?" Duane Lee asked. Duane nodded, taking a bite of his food.

"Yeah but if she's high it won't be tough finding her," Leland said, finishing his food.


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