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She had her fingers in her hair, her head on her hands as she stared down at her desk in anger. She was losing it. Yes, she had finished all her assignments for Monday, however, she hadn't finished studying for a very important exam. Whenever she thought she knew it all, she'd stop answering questions right. This exam is 40% of her final grade. She chose all her difficult classes to get them over with this year, get them behind her and not have to worry about too much her senior year. Sometimes she thought choosing all those classes was a mistake. Tonight is one of those times.

She slammed her fist down on her desk, getting up throwing her binder to the floor, plopping down on her bed, laying on her back and staring at the ceiling, her eyes watering out of anger and frustration as she thought about everything. Her chest rising up and down, breathing picking up as she sat up, endlessly running her hands through her hair as she began to have a mental breakdown. After getting less than 4 hours of sleep within a week, endlessly running around from class to class to work to class, she is exhausted. She heard her door open, she sat there silently as the gentle footsteps walked into her room.

"What's wrong?" Lyssa asked, seeing Maggie. Maggie looked up at her, offering a gentle smile.

"I'm on the verge of dropping out."

"Ugh," Lyssa sat down across from her. "Why? I thought you were doing good in all your classes."

"Well I am, my lowest grade is 86, but they're so good because I'm-"

"Staying up all night, spending all your free time studying... Leland asked me to stop by today and see how you're doing. He couldn't because of the bounty," Lyssa frowned. "You have to take a break."

"I can't," Maggie shook her head. "If I get it all done this year, I won't have much to worry about next year. I can focus on working."

"Maggie," Lyssa sighed, looking at her. "You are one of the hardest workers I know. My Dad talks about it all the time. I know you can do it, I know you can push through and make it through this year. Think about coming back down to Hawaii with us. Just work towards that. I think you do need a little break though, what's your schedule like?"

"No classes tomorrow, just work in afternoon and the internship in the evening. Monday I have an exam for bio that's 40% of my final grade."

"So how about this," Lyssa smiled, picking up her binder and putting it on her desk. "It's 5 o'clock, let's give up on school for right now, take a break. Let's cook some food and watch Dog the Bounty Hunter, you can adore Leland and I'll make fun of him, and then go to sleep early and wake up without alarms. When we get up, we can go out for coffee and then come back here and I can help you study until work."

Maggie smiled. "That sounds amazing... thank you."

Lyssa kept her word, the two bonding as they spent some time together. It helped Maggie a lot - giving her a much needed break from school. They ended up making macaroni and cheese, and sat and watched the early seasons of Dog the Bounty Hunter.   They both fell asleep on her couch. When they woke up in the morning, they went to Dunkin' Donuts, buying themselves coffee and breakfast, and then went back to Maggie's apartment, where her and Lyssa sat down and began studying.

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