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Leland's birthday was coming up quick, and Maggie mentioned nothing to him about it. But really, she and Duane Lee were planning the perfect day. His birthday was about 2 days away, and Leland and Duane Lee decided to spend some time with Maggie at her apartment since they had no bounties and were a bit bored. Leland wanted to spend time with Maggie, Duane Lee just tagged along because he wanted to annoy them.

"Where you going?" Duane Lee asked as Maggie got ready to leave.

"To class, where do you think I'm going?" Maggie asked with a laugh as she opened her door. "I'll probably be back around 5 tonight, I'll take you up on that pizza, but I have work at 7, and Leland, Alex said he'd love to meet you today if you want to come in and check out the fish."

"Alright," Leland nodded. "Sounds like a plan."

Maggie left for school, and the day went on. Maggie drove Leland and Duane Lee to the aquarium store, where she introduced them to Alex. They stayed around for her shift, keeping conversation with the customers and even helping out a little.

Leland's birthday came by quick, Maggie and Duane Lee were pumped. They had an entire day planned, a full schedule. Maggie woke up early, 4 am, where she quickly got changed into black leggings and a blue shirt, putting on her leather jacket over it and grabbing her two pack packs, getting in her car and driving to the Chapmans house. This is where Duane Lee was awake and unlocked the doors for her, silently letting her in. She gave him her two backpacks, taking the one small present out of one.

"He's passed out," Duane Lee said quietly.

"Alright, let's do this," Maggie handed him a small envelope before walking up the stairs. She smiled, seeing Leland sleeping on his back, quiet snores coming from his mouth hinting he's in deep sleep. She silently and slowly took her jacket off, putting it on his chair and taking off her shoes, climbing in the bed next to him, cuddling up to him. He instinctively wrapped his arm around her waist, half asleep when he did so, quickly drifting back to deep sleep.

She smiled, closing her eyes. When he woke up a couple hours later at sunrise, he was very confused, until she smiled and kissed him. "Happy birthday," she said, giving him another kiss.

"How'd you get here?" He asked, smiling and returning the kiss.

"Don't worry about it, I have a great day planned," she sat up. "It starts with you putting on your swim trunks and meeting me at the beach, ASAP." She nodded, getting out of bed and leaving the room, leaving him very confused.

"Oh gosh," Leland mumbled to himself, chuckling as he got out of his bed and got ready.

The day went on, where Maggie distracted him with different activities - surfing, fishing, eating, shopping. He was having a blast, until he got a phone call from Dog, explaining that they had an urgent bounty to go on, apologizing for ruining his birthday. Dog explains it's an extremely dangerous fugitive, and no risks must be taken.

The group was quick to get ready to head out to where the lead is. Dog explains to Leland and Maggie that the fugitive is fast and dangerous, and he wants Duane Lee and Leland to go after him when they spot him, which didn't take long to do. They spotted him from a distance, in a black Chevy SUV, driving. He parked in a parking lot, where Leland was quick to get to the vehicle, pulling the fugitive out of the vehicle, cuffing him.

"You've got a warrant for your arrest, bruh," Leland said as the group surrounded him.

"What will it take for you to not take me to jail?" The man asked, looking at Leland.

"We're taking you in, no matter what, we don't do bribes," Leland said.

"What if I gave you my truck, dude, as a birthday present?" He asked.

"Nah, you're going to jail," Leland said, not realizing that the entire crew was smiling.

"What if Maggie and Duane Lee gave you this brand new truck that you've been wanting for the past year to you for your 28th birthday?" He asked again.

"No, wait..." Leland looked at the fugitive. "What?"

"Happy birthday, man," the fugitive said.

"What?" Leland let go of him, looking at the group, who were all smiling.

"Happy birthday," Duane Lee and Maggie said in sync.

"What? Say that again?" Leland asked the fake fugitive.

"What if Maggie and Duane Lee bought you this truck and gave it to you for your 28th birthday?" He asked.

"No way, no fucking way," Leland said, looking at the fugitive.

"Meet, Michael, my chemistry professor," Maggie smiled, laughing as she motioned towards the fake fugitive.

"Did you really? Wait.." Leland went to the truck, seeing how it was spotless, finding the registration inside, saying it was purchased yesterday, picked up today. "You're joking."

"Nope," Duane Lee chuckled as Leland hugged him and Maggie tight.

"Can somebody like," Michael asked, still in handcuffs.

"I got you," Dog said, uncuffing him. Leland had a little moment where he fangirled over the truck, which he's been wanting for over a year. It finally came out last month, and Maggie and Duane Lee instantly knew what they were getting Leland for his birthday.

"This is awesome," Leland said so happily, sitting in the drivers seat.

"Oh," Duane Lee smiled, taking the opportunity to mess with him. "And the seat goes all the way back so you and Maggie can, well, you know-"

"Shut up," Leland mumbled happily. Maggie elbowed Duane Lee roughly, causing him to stumble with a chuckle. Maggie rolled her eyes. "How much was this-"

"Don't ask," Maggie and Duane Lee said in sync.

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