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"We're in the hospital now, she's in surgery," Dog explained on the phone. "We just need to know the number so they can look up her medical records... yeah, we have her license, I think it's a security thing... okay... okay... yeah, thanks Terry... I will... if you want to come down I'll book you guys a flight but we'll take-... yes, she's okay... I will... I will, don't worry. Thank you..." Dog sighed as he hung up the phone, looking at his family. "They're calling her doctor, having them send the records over. They want to fly out but can't." He looked at Leland, watching as the intern put stitches in his knuckles. "You're lucky the cops didn't arrest you."

"What the hell do you expect me to do," Leland hissed out of anger.

"I know, Leland, trust me, I know." He sighed.

"What even happened?" Lyssa asked, looking at Duane Lee.

"I looked over because Maggie was shouting, she shot the woman with the taser, she shot Maggie with the gun. I got there and called 911 while securing the woman in cuffs. Beth got there next and took over with the phone call, tending to Maggie who was unconscious. The woman's neighbor, her brother, came out and went to shoot me or Maggie. Leland was the next to get there and started beating the guy up when he saw him," Duane Lee explained.

They all watched as the intern finished Leland's stitches, leaving the room they were put in to wait for Maggie. They all sat silently, thinking over everything that went wrong, occasionally praying. Finally, the doctor came in to talk to them.

"So, the surgery went well," he started. "Are you aware that she's pregnant?" He looked at them. Everybody froze, their heads turning to Leland, who didn't need any more surprises.

"No," he said quietly. He took a second to think over what he just said. "That... she isn't."

"She is," he said. "We did an ultrasound due to abnormalities in her blood. It appears she's about 16 weeks along."

"She took a test, it was negative," he said. Everybody watched Leland, listening in utter shock.

"When did she take it?" The doctor asked.

"April... spring break."

"Hmm, well it must've been a false negative, it's rare but it happens." He said quietly. "So she's on no prenatal care?"

"No," Leland shook his head, looking down.

"Okay, well they'll be bringing her in in a couple minutes. She'll be awake but a little out of it, I wouldn't suggest talking to her just yet about this. I ask that while they wake her up, you guys go into the waiting room."

They went to the waiting room, everybody remaining silent to one another in shock. Leland didn't believe any of this was happening. He rested his head back, pushing the thought out of his head, focusing on making sure Maggie is okay. The doctor eventually came back out, approaching the group.

"Maggie is awake, she seems to be doing great and passing the tests. She's talking okay but a little tired, which is understandable. Would you like me to talk-"

"I'll talk to her," Beth spoke up, standing up. "I should talk to her," she glanced at Leland and back at the doctor.

"Okay, you can go right in," the doctor left to lead Beth to the room. She went inside, smiling at Maggie who smiled back.

"Hey," Beth smiled, sitting down next to Maggie. "How you feeling?"

"I'm okay," she responded.

"I'm sorry... Duane is beating himself up for this... not to mention Duane Lee and Leland-"

"It's not their fault," Maggie replied. "I should've reacted faster."

"No, you did everything you were supposed to do. That woman was so high that she had no moral thinking, no common sense. Sadly, sometimes it happens. We're just lucky you reacted the way you did and Duane Lee reacted as fast as he did," Beth smiled a little and looked down, then back up at Maggie. "Now, I have to talk to you."

"What?" She asked quietly, getting a little concerned.

"While you were in surgery, they found abnormalities in your blood... after a few different tests they found out you're pregnant... about 16 weeks, a little under 4 months."

"No... I-I took a test, it was negative-"

"I know," Beth said softly. "The doctor thinks it was a false negative. He's positive you're pregnant."

Maggie looked at the ceiling, unsure of what to do. She knew she couldn't abort it, she's against everything abortion. She couldn't give it up for adoption, she's lived her whole life wondering where her mother is. "I don't know what to do."

"Well, mother to mother," Beth placed her hand on top of Maggie's. "I want you to know, with the Chapman family by your side, you have all the help in the world." Beth looked at Maggie. "You've come a long way with your schooling, and I'll tell you right now, Duane is going to force you to finish and continue with your dreams no matter what. I'll also tell you that as soon as he picks up that baby, he will never let it go, so I promise you that you do not have to worry about finding a babysitter."

Maggie smiled a little bit, looking back at Beth. "I don't know if I'm ready for this."

"You don't have to be," Beth replied. "None of us are. Except maybe Duane," she smiled. "We'll take this a step at a time, and I'm going be by your side every single one, so will Leland, and Lyssa and everybody else."

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