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Maggie was missing everybody big time. The last 3 weeks went by fast, going on bounties, shopping sprees, swimming, fishing and surfing every day really makes the time fly. Maggie and Leland spent most nights together, and had quite a few more date nights, along with a few more special nights.

Maggie finally was able to see Leland's apartment after they went fishing one night - where he explained he's currently not living in it because he wants to relocate and he also enjoys staying with his family and helping out with the kids. Not to mention, during the summer, they have the most bounties. Maggie stayed the night with him there, along with taking a tour of the apartment that explains why he wants to relocate, aka, a psychotic neighbor who screams and stomps everywhere, along with banging on the walls and mumbling threats whenever he sees Leland. He believes the guy doesn't like law enforcement.

Leland and Maggie had a very depressing goodbye, where Leland promised he'd come up to visit when he had a free few days, and also that they'd FaceTime often. Duane Lee gave her a very big hug, where he told her he could help her with her times tables and reading logs, and she tried explaining her schoolwork is a bit more complicated than that, but she appreciates the offer. Everybody else had their own depressing goodbye with Maggie.

Thankfully, she had her own apartment with no roommates this year. She liked being able to have her own, quiet space, where she only cleaned up after herself and was able to use her own stuff without anybody else messing with it or having to change her living habits for somebody else. Her schedule was jam packed, however, she was scheduled her classes and job where she was busy from 5 am to 11 pm for 5 days a week, leaving the other 2 days for her to get caught up with sleep and homework. She was ready for this year, getting all her difficult classes over with, having her own apartment. The only thing that was really bugging her was being away from Leland. Sure, she misses Danny, but she can easily call him and he'll drive up. But Leland is in a completely different state with a job and family that needs him to stay there.

It was 2 weeks into her junior year, and she was already exhausted. She called Leland whenever they could, which was at least a couple times a week. Along with that, they constantly texted. She gave him updates on her fish tank, her school, and helped the group with bounties however she could - whether it was giving a suggestion on where a short runaway girl could hide, or whether it was being the tie breaker on what to do. Leland kept her updated on bounties and sends her videos of Duane Lee messing with Lyssa and Beth.

Maggie was at work at the aquarium store, nearing the end of her shift around 10:45 pm. Alex, her boss, walked past her and into his office, answering a phone call. Why is this store open so late? It's near a college campus, where a popular dorm pet is a fish, since that's mostly all that's allowed. Therefor, a lot of their customers can't make it to a store until after 7 or 8. Not to mention, the owner, Alex, lives 5 minutes down the road and loves late nights.

"Doing okay Maggie?" Alex asked after he hung up the phone.

"Yeah, I'm a little tired from school already but I'm okay," she said as she admired a tank of blue cherry shrimp.

"You know you can ask for a day off if you need it," he said as he put some fish flakes in some of the tanks.

"I know, but I like it here," she said as she scooped some mini pellets and put them in with some Corydora catfish. "It's relaxing."

"Yeah it is," he chuckled. "I can't wait to meet this Leland, though."

"I'm sure he'll come in next time he visits. He loves fish and he goes fishing for them himself. He has a tank at their house here in Colorado," Maggie went through the different tanks, making sure they were all fed.

"Well, I'll be looking forward to meeting him, kiddo," Alex chuckled, giving her a shoulder tap before going into his office to grab his keys. "Is your car still at the farm getting fixed? Did you figure out what's wrong?"

"Yeah it is, and yeah, we ordered a few parts and Danny and Jake said they'd get it all together so I didn't have to go back there," Maggie said as she shut the lights off on the tanks, going around tank by tank and shutting it off.

"You need a ride to your apartment?" Alex asked.

"I was just gonna ask one of my friends to get me."

"I don't mind, I owe you after the extra hours you came in when we had the power outage last winter," Alex said, locking up the cash box.

"Okay," Maggie nodded. "Thanks."

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