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"You okay?" Dog asked Maggie as she walked in the house.

"I'm perfectly fine," Maggie grinned.

"Danny and everybody aren't home. I thought she's better just staying here tonight, because I have no idea how much or little she had. She can take my bed and I'll sleep on the couch," Leland said as he sat Maggie down on a chair.

"Sounds good," Dog nodded. "What happened?" He asked Maggie.

"Liz wanted so badly to be the desig-desin-nated... the driver, and she disappeared," Maggie went on. "And because of my stupid genetics, once I sip alcohol I keep sipping!"

"Oh, okay. Does Liz ditch you a lot?" Dog asked.

"Oh no, she's very responsible," Maggie nodded as Leland handed her a glass of water, which she began to drink. "I'm sorry that-"

"Don't be sorry," Leland said.

"We owe you, and we want to make sure you're okay," Dog said. After another glass of water, Leland helped Maggie upstairs and into his room, where she passed out instantly, sleeping under the covers. Leland glanced at her, smiling a bit to himself before shutting the door and walking back downstairs.

Maggie woke up with a light headache, not too bad. She furrowed her eyebrows at the mysterious environment, looking around before she spotted the sunglasses on the nightstand and remembered where she was. She sat up, running a hand through her hair before standing straight up. She slowly opened the door, glancing around as she walked downstairs to be greeted by the men of the Chapman family, and Beth.

"Well good morning sunshine," Duane Lee giggled, teasing her.

"Morning munchkin," Maggie teased back, giving him a dirty look. He chuckled as Beth handed her a plate of food.

"How you feeling?" Dog asked.

"I'm okay. I don't really get hangovers," she mumbled as she took a bite of the food. "Thank you, by the way. I'm-"

"Don't be sorry," Leland and Dog said at the same time.

"Has that happened before?" Dog asked.

"No," she shook her head. "I've never drank at a party before. I don't like drunk strangers," she mumbled quietly. "Or drinking around drunk strangers." She sighed and took another bite of food. "I'm always the driver. My friend wanted me to... I don't know... let go. I didn't think."

"It's not your fault," Beth said. "What are your plans today?"

"Umm... nothing really. I don't have classes for awhile." She sat back in the chair and looked at Beth and Dog, who were both grinning. "Why?"

"If you're feeling up for it, want to go on a bounty today? We're short handed, Lyssa doesn't feel well," Beth informed her.

"Sure, but... why me?" Maggie looked at Dog.

"You've been trained with weapons, and the fugitive we're going after today is a lady who is tough as nails, and when it comes to women we prefer to let Beth or Lyssa cuff them."

"Okay... I can do that?"

"Yeah, as long as you're with us," Duane Lee said.

"Okay, sure," Maggie smiled a little bit, looking at Leland who offered a gentle grin. He was pumped for her to come on a bounty. He had a feeling about this girl - a good one.

"Awesome," Beth grinned. "Eat your breakfast and then we can leave, no rush. Leland will get you caught up."

Maggie nodded, taking a sip of the orange juice. She continued to eat, chatting with everybody about random stuff. After her breakfast, they gave her a little bit of equipment, and she got in Beth's truck, sitting in the back with Leland. As Beth began driving, Leland showed Maggie the mugshot with the information on it.

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