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"It's okay, keep blinking," Dog said as he rinsed out Maggie's eyes. "Can you say something?"

"Did he get him?" Maggie asked. "I let him go."

"Leland caught him," Beth said as she gently put Maggie's hair back in a bun. "You did good, the mace slowed him down a lot, blinded him so he tripped over a branch."

Maggie started to get her sight back as they rinsed her eyes, of course, hitting her head didn't help. She winced, standing back upright as she looked around, seeing Leland next to her. "We probably should've sprayed you with that before we gave it to you, so you knew what to expect," Leland sighed, patting her shoulder.

"I'm okay," she said, blinking a few more times. "That was fun." Dog chuckled. Dog and Justin got in one of the trucks, sitting on each side of the fugitive, Beth driving. Leland looked at Maggie.

"Damn, when I saw you go down I swear my heart stopped," Leland said.

"Yeah mine did too, I'm not gonna lie."

"You okay?" Leland asked, noticing a little bruising on her neck.

"I'm okay," she nodded.

"Come on, lovebirds," Duane Lee mumbled as he got in the back seat. They drove to the jail, Leland driving as Duane Lee picked on him and Maggie the entire way. They arrived at the jail, where after they brought in Ethan, they took a second to regroup in the parking lot, where Maggie noticed Duane Lee was scratching a lot.

"Can I..?" Maggie pulled down the collar of his shirt. "Buddy... you have hives. You're having an allergic reaction to something."

"You sure? I think they're just bug bites," Duane Lee said.

"Buddy, I'm in the medical field. I know what hives look like. I'm not stupid." Maggie looked at his back, and his ankles. "You need a high strength epinephrine injection, and quick." They drove to the pharmacy, where Maggie went in with Dog and got the medication, where Maggie then gave it to Duane Lee. "You should be okay but I'm not sure what it is you're reacting too, and it's a good idea to have a few more of these on hand for the next couple days."

They went home, where Duane Lee passed out from the medication right away. "So, doc, how are you feeling?" Beth asked.

"I'm okay, no blood, I'll be okay," Maggie smiled lightly as she watched Leland tickle Duane Lee's nose. Maggie made her way upstairs to her room, taking her bun out and rubbing the back of her head. Leland appeared behind her, gently wrapping his arms around her waist and turning her around.

"How you feeling?" He asked her.

"I'll be okay," she smiled lightly. "Are we going on another bounty tomorrow?"

"Probably, and Lyssa's gonna be with us for this one. She claims the baby's coming but Dad's making her go, he used you as an excuse."


"He said she's safe with you."

"You guys are acting like I have a medical degree," she rested her forehead against Leland, wrapping her arms around him in a hug.

"Well you're halfway to it," Leland said softly, running his hand through her hair. "And he'll do anything to convince her to come."

"I'll have to start packing first aid kits for bounties."

"You can be our medic," Leland lightly laughs. "We've needed one quite a few times."

After they each got changed into comfier clothes, they laid down in Maggie's bed, where she was quick to fall asleep. He looked at her, smiling as he pulled the blankets up over them and giving her a gentle kiss on the head.

The next morning, the crew was quick to get on an 'easy' bounty. Beth drove with Maggie, Leland and Lyssa all in the same car. The entire way there, Lyssa talked with Dog on the speaker about how she wants ice cream before the bounty, which Maggie convinced Beth to stop and get some, which Maggie paid for. During the bounty, they began to scope out an apartment complex. Maggie stayed close to Dog. When a man began to yell at Maggie for them searching his place, she remained quiet and let Dog take over. She stayed back this bounty, taking it easy on herself and keeping an eye on Duane Lee and Lyssa.

Maggie didn't get much action, she enjoyed the break, and focusing on Duane Lee and Lyssa. Duane Lee was still a bit itchy, his hives were coming and going but not nearly as bad as the previous night. Finally, Justin spotted the fugitive, taking him down. Maggie wandered back to the trucks with the men, seeing Beth talking to Lyssa, who was obviously in pain.

"I shouldn't have come," Lyssa groaned, holding onto her stomach. Maggie and Leland made eye contact, where Leland gave the 'its your turn' look.

"Is it labor pain?" Maggie asked.

"No, it's like burning and cramping every time she kicks," Lyssa responded. Maggie put a hand on her stomach, feeling the kicks.

"So, actually, I don't know this from school, but I know this from when Terry was pregnant with the little ones, I remember she complained towards the end of her pregnancy about the burning and cramping with every kick, and it felt like a little whirlpool when you put your hand on the belly. I'm going to say its just her getting into position, trying to figure out how to get out. I think she's gonna come soon."

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