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Maggie ran her finger along his chest, smiling to herself as she nuzzled her face into his neck.

"Are we staying here tonight?" She asked quietly, her hand resting on his abdomen. His arm was tight around her waist, his thumb making little circles against her skin.

"No, my car is still out there, and I figured you wouldn't want to be away from Sam all night," Leland said quietly, causing her to snicker.

"Not that I love this, but, yes, I want to see Sam." Leland went to move, but she stopped him. "Well, he can wait another hour." She snickered, leaning up to kiss him.

When they did get back home, however, everybody was in the living room waiting. Maggie bit her lip, smiling as everybody cheered, seeing the ring on her finger.

Afterwards, everybody began going to bed, Leland was heating up some pasta for the two of them to eat, and Maggie strolled around the kitchen and living room, Sam cradled in her arms as he slept.

"What about silver?" Maggie asked, her voice soft as she sat down on the kitchen counter, watching Leland stir the pasta.


"Black, blue and silver?"

Leland smiled. "I like that." He put some pasta into bowls, grating some fresh Parmesan on each bowl, and handing one to Maggie.


Months went by fast.

5 months, to be exact.

Well, roughly.

Sam is about 6 months old, and babbling away.

He's still a little small, with an adorable button nose, and the cutest eyelashes, but he was definitely growing.

Maggie is graduating from college tomorrow. It's big, super big, because this Saturday is her and Leland's wedding.

Today is Wednesday. Thursday is her graduation, and Friday is the rehearsal wedding.

Yes, the scheduling could have been better, but the two of them wanted to get a head start on their honeymoon, which they had planned in Hawaii, however they know that they won't last long until Duane calls them in for bounties.

"No, no," Maggie said quickly, running over to Sam, who was trying to put a pen in his mouth. "How did you even get that? That was in the office - never mind, you can't talk," she took the pen from him, putting it up on the counter. "As cute as you are, little one, you're a little sneaky snake," Maggie smiled, watching as her son grinned and giggled. He started making little babbling noises, talking in his own language as he watched his mother frantically shoved items into various duffel bags and suitcases.

"I hear a very intelligent conversation," Duane chuckled walking into the apartment, going straight to Sam, picking him up as the boy looked at his grandfather. "Wow, it's empty," he commented, holding the boy tight as he looked at Maggie. She nodded, zipping up the last bag.

"Okay, I think I'm ready, where's Leland?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

Duane sighed. "He's... doing something important. It's a secret, I can't say, but you'll see him tonight. Are you ready to go?" he asked as he strapped Sam into the stroller.

Maggie stepped back, a backpack on her bag, suitcase in hand as she looked over the apartment. "Yeah, let's go."

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