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Everybody cheered as Maggie and Leland kissed, the music playing loudly as the two walked down the aisle together.

Everything had gone perfect. Everything was going perfect. The cake and food was perfectly displayed, they had a buffet, rather than plates put out.

This was a gift from Duane, who really just wanted the buffet for himself.

Everything was going perfect, until, the DJ made a call.

"May everybody on the dance floor please make way for the father - daughter dance."

The room went silent, as everybody in there, aside from the DJ, had known Maggie and her story. It wasn't just the group and Maggie's "family", but they also had a few of Maggie's friends, a few of family friends from the Chapman's, and a few assorted people who have grown close to them. In total, there was about 40 people, all there to celebrate Maggie and Leland, but everybody knew that she most certainly didn't have a father.

Maggie stared at the DJ, silent. Leland was about to walk up to the DJ and call it off, but Duane stepped forward, grabbing Maggie's hand.

"What are you doing?" Maggie asked, confused as he brought her onto the floor.

"You're my daughter now," he replied, wrapping his arm around her waist, pulling her into a hug-like hold as they began dancing to a slow, yet beautiful song.

After that, everything was perfect.


"Because I love you," Maggie replied, her hands gripping his shoulders tightly, her legs not being able to reach the bottom of the ocean.

The moonlight just barely lit up their silhouettes as the two danced in the water, nobody within sight for miles. Dimly lit lights on the shore of the beach, but not a single person within sight.

They made it back to the hotel they were staying in, not hesitating to dry off, get changed and pass out under the covers.

For the past week, the two of them have had the time of their lives, going on endless trips and dates around Hawaii, thankfully haven't seen or heard from any of their family - who were clearly giving them space and alone time.

The days were quick to go by, and although they missed Sam dearly, the past week and the next one went by fast.


Before they knew it, they were walking back in the Chapman house, and Maggie did not hesitate to pick up her son, twirling him around as me made happy little noises. "I missed you so much, little man," she said softly, holding him close. "How'd he do?" She asked, looking at the group.

"He arrested his first fugitive yesterday," Duane said, grinning. Maggie's eyes widened.

"You brought him on a bounty?!"

"No," Beth shook her head as Duane laughed. "He's trying to get you going." She glared at Duane, holding her baby close as she was greeted by Duane Lee and Justin, giving each of them a hug.

"Well, on a better note, is your adrenaline pumping?" Duane asked, looking at Maggie. "Because we need your help on a bounty, for real this time."

"For real? No proposals? No tricks?" Maggie raised an eyebrow at Duane, the man otherwise known as Dog, when it came to bounties.

"No tricks, I promise. There's a group of girls who are hiding our fugitive, a 4 foot, 8 inch woman, who is as fast as lightning," Dog raised his eyes. "And we don't like taking out girls, so we bring you, Beth and Lyssa along."

Maggie sighed, looking at her son. "Fine. But after we catch her, I'm not putting him down for 3 days. Got it?"

Bounty (Leland Chapman Fanfiction - Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now