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"This man, Joe, is dangerous," Duane explained, writing down the information. "Multiple charges of assault, possession of dangerous drug, possession of dangerous weapon, he's got it all. He is a large man, 5'9" 215." He sighed, facing the group. "He is known to comply with police and law enforcement, apparently it's because he knows he'll go down either way. However, when he doesn't think they are around, he will shoot and attack anybody who gets in his way. We have no leads, no addresses except for, get ready, the co signer's brother's girlfriend's mother."

They drove off towards the building, where Beth and Maggie stepped aside to talk to the mother, who's daughter, the brother's girlfriend, was home. Maggie took her aside, talking to her. The group waited by the trucks, watching as the girl panicked. Maggie smiled, giving her a gentle hug before leaving back to the trucks. "She says her boyfriend, the co-signer's brother, is staying at a hotel in Greeley, she's not sure what apartment, it's possible that the co signer is there with him."

"Alright," Dog nodded, thanking the girl before getting back in his car. "What was she crying about?"

"She thinks she's going to jail or getting fined," Maggie said, resting her head back. "But she's good."

The trucks took off, heading to Greeley to look for a hotel, which didn't take long to find. The group got out and began handing out mugshots, asking if anybody has seen the fugitive, co-signer or the co-signers brother. Finally, somebody recognized the brother, explaining to Justin that he's been staying in the room across from them. Dog and the crew went up, sending Maggie to knock on the door. When the man opened, she stepped back, letting Leland and Dog step forward. They searched the apartment, finding no sign of the co signer. The brother told them he was stopping at the local liquor store, picking up some beer. So the crew waited for about 10 minutes, when he finally showed up. After Beth interrogated with him, he finally admitted that the fugitive, Joe, was staying with a girl he met online, in a motel about 40 minutes from there. With that, the crew took off.

"Maggie," Dog said through the radio. "How're you feeling?"

"Why?" She asked back.

"Your instincts have told the difference between good and bad bounties so far, I'm just wondering how you're feeling."

"Honestly, a little nauseous, but like, the twisty gut feeling," Maggie mocked.

"Maybe you're pregnant," Duane Lee said.

"Shut your mouth or else I'll shut it for you," she hissed, causing the crew to laugh. "Anyways, yes, I have a bad feeling. But not a horrible one."

They showed up at the motel, going to the floor they were told to go to. After asking around, they found the room that the fugitive was staying in. When Maggie knocked, a female answered.

"Is Joe here?" She asked, looking at her.

"Um... no," she said softly, looking at the crew.

"Can we search the apartment?" She asked.

"I guess..." the girl mumbled, stepping aside. The crew searched, not finding anything. The crew went back to searching around the floor, however, Maggie stayed in the apartment. She had a feeling, looking around. The girl followed Duane Lee into the hallway, where he talked to her about the fugitive. Maggie was in a small room, where she spotted the leftovers of ice from an ice pipe, fresh. She knew it was from somebody else, because the girl isn't high. She should be staying with Duane Lee or one of the others, but she got distracted.

Just as she went to talk on the radio, she felt hands wrap around her waist. She was pushed down on the bed, a knife against her neck. "Say one sound, and I will not hesitate," the man said quietly. Maggie looked at him - the fugitive. She was able to knock the knife out of his hands, struggling to fight him off. She wriggled out of his grip, grabbing her mace and spraying him, but it didn't stop him. He charged back at her, pushing her down. She punched and kicked, feeling blood - not sure whether it's his or hers, she kept punching and fighting, doing every trick she possibly could - but this man was twice her size. She kneed his crotch, elbowed his neck and punched at his nose and neck, but the man kept fighting. Suddenly, he was ripped off of her and thrown into the wall by Duane Lee, who was quick to put him in cuffs.

"Oh, just you wait asshole, you got a few fans waiting out front for you," Duane Lee hissed, dragging the man out of the building. Maggie looked at her knuckles that were all cut up, but also had his blood on them.

"Shit," she hissed, standing up and following Duane Lee.

"Leland, I got a good one for you," Duane Lee chuckled. Leland looked at the fugitive, then seeing the cuts and bruises on his face. "He attacked Maggie."

That's all he had to say.

Leland charged, pulling the man out of Duane Lee's grip and onto the ground. When Maggie walked out of the building, she froze when she saw Duane Lee pulling Leland off of the fugitive, who was yelling all sorts of threats at him. Dog came out of the building, noticing what was going on, and after hearing Leland's screams, he knew what had happened.

"Why don't you keep your bitch in line and out of my shit," Joe hissed, spitting blood.

Dog walked up to him, pulling him up to his feet roughly. "Listen, jackass," Dog said in his ear. "You see that girl?" He pointed at Maggie. "She is protected by every single person here, and you have the mother fucking balls to put her in danger?" He chuckled. "You're never going to hear the end of it, you better fucking believe that. We are going to make the rest of your life a living hell."

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