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"Oh honey," Dog said softly to her. Beth and Duane Lee had gotten out of the truck to bring Maggie's stuff up to her room and let Dog, Leland and Maggie talk. "Why didn't you say something? This is huge."

"I don't like talking about my past," Maggie sighed.

"And I told her she didn't need to tell you if she wasn't ready. It wouldn't change anything for us," Leland added.

"No, it isn't. I'm glad you said something, and we'll keep an eye out for those guys, now you look exhausted, go sleep."

Maggie smiled, hugging him. "Thank you," she said softly before getting out of the truck and following Leland inside the house. After quickly greeting everybody, she went straight to Leland's room, plopping down in his bed and not wasting any time to get under the blankets as Leland walked into the room. "What's going on with your apartment?" She asked quietly.

"I'm staying here when you're here for the most part, so you can stay here and I can still see you, but at the end of the summer I'm mostly living there but sometimes sleeping here," Leland explained as he laid down next to her, holding her as she began to drift to sleep.

"Mkay," she responded quietly as she quickly fell asleep.

She slept the rest of the day and into the morning, totaling 14 hours of sleep, which she desperately needed. When she got up, she woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. She grinned, getting out of the bed and grabbing a fresh set of clothes from her bag. She changed, put her hair up and then went downstairs.

"Good morning," Beth said with raised eyebrows as she handed Maggie a plate.

"Thank you," she said quietly with a grin as she went into the living room, where Leland was sitting with Gary, Lyssa and Duane Lee, Duane standing in the back watching with a slight worried expression as Gary explained his plan to catch the fugitive. Maggie sat down beside Lyssa, listening to Gary as she began eating.

"And then I'll jump on top of him and tackle him to the ground," he finished.

"Gary," Duane started with a small laugh. "You're too little to go with us."

"No I'm not," Gary argued with a pouty face.

"Okay, then go talk to your mother," Duane mumbled, giving up on arguing already. Gary jumped up from the couch and ran into the kitchen.

"No," Beth's voice was heard. Duane Lee and Leland laughed as Duane looked at Maggie.

"You don't have to go on the bounty today, I know you're tired and I promised you a week to recuperate. It's a pretty easy one," Duane explained.

"I wanted to take you out today," Lyssa said as she looked at Maggie.

"Alrighty," Maggie nodded in agreement. After breakfast, the men and Beth went on the bounty, where Lyssa took Maggie out shopping at a few different stores, along with out for lunch, ice cream, coffee, and a bunch of other small treats.

Eventually, Maggie began going on bounties with them, along with Lyssa. She loved the adrenaline rush, as always. Maggie and Leland spent a lot of time together, and spent some nights in his apartment. Maggie and Lyssa also spent lots of time together, the two were starting to be best friends, always there for each other. The summer was going fantastic, and Maggie was at the happiest point she has been in awhile, maybe even in her whole life. She felt safe with this group, and she had everything she's lacked; Leland - a partner who she trusts, Lyssa - a friend that's like a sister, Duane Lee - a friend that's like a brother, and Beth and Duane - parental figures. When she was with this group, she finally felt like she had a family.

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