Mike Banning

364 8 45

A request for the lovely The-Man-with-No-Name

Mike and home were the only two things I was thinking about all throughout work today. I was so exhausted and lost count of how many times I fell asleep in my office. Stupid insomnia. I haven't been able to sleep properly in two years because of it, but thankfully Mike did his best to help me with it. Somehow I managed to get at least a couple of hours before I was due to get up for work. I was so lost in my thoughts that I failed to notice that it was seven p.m. and work was finally over with. After making sure all my work was saved on my computer and logging off, I stood up and grabbed my purse and phone before walking to the elevator. A few other coworkers were also in there ready to leave this hell.. I mean place. Once on the first floor I bolted for the exit and ran for my car. It's a wonder I didn't fall in these heels, I thought to myself. Once my car was started up, I tore off out of the parking lot and began the five minute drive home. My thoughts must of clouded my brain because when they dispersed I was sitting in our drive. Quickly turning the car off and gathering my things, I opened my door and hit the lock button before shutting the door. Making it up the four steps to our front porch and to the door, I reached for the handle but apparently Mike had the same thought which almost caused me to faceplant if it hadn't been for Mike catching me. 

"Can't help but still fall for me can you?" Mike asked cheekily. 

"Shut up. You caused it." I laughed at him. 

Before I could say or do anything, I was being picked up by my thighs and forced to wrap my legs around his waist. His lips pressing to mine. 

"I've missed you all damn day. Thankfully we have three days off together and we are making the best of it." Mike more or less commanded as he lead us up the stairs to our shared room. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I went to take my the heels off but my breath caught in my throat. Mike was squatted down in front of me to remove them for me before he placed them elsewhere and pulling me to stand. His hands guided me to turn around so he could unzip my dress for me. Even after three years of being together, he still did these small and sweet gestures for me. My heart swelled with love and adoration at him. I was snapped out of the daydream by being hit in the face by a shirt and a shirtless grinning Mike. I'm pretty sure I started drooling... Holy s....this man....is going to be the death of me. Man, is it just me or is it hot in here? I quickly turned around and darted to the bathroom to avoid letting him see my red cheeks. After my dress was finally off, I put his shirt on and removed all of my makeup. Looking in the mirror, I was satisfied with the outcome and made my way back into the bedroom. Mike was already sitting on the bed but stood up once his eyes landed on me. Once we were in arms reach, Mike didn't waste a second before grabbing me by the waist and placing me gently onto the bed, and laying beside me. 

"How was work? You look exhausted." Mike asked while brushing a hand through my hair. 

"It wasn't too bad but I kept falling asleep during it. I'm so exhausted and I just want to cry!" Needless to say, I did as I said and started bawling my eyes out. 

"Babygirl please don't cry. I know this job is stressful on you as well as your sleep issues, but please see a doctor about your sleep. I can only help so much." Mike pleaded with me as he held me closer to him, wiping all the tears away before placing a hand on my cheek. It was like it was getting harder to breathe when we made eye contact. While still laying flat on my back, Mike leaned up on an elbow, the hand in the same place on my cheek, and leaned down passionately pushing his lips to mine in a needing way. I slid my arms up under his, and pushed my body up to his, our bodies molding together perfectly. The heated make out session continued, his hands started wandering down but stopped when one was on my waist and the other on my lower back. Pulling back, our foreheads were now resting against each others. We both laid on our sides to face one another, still holding onto each other. 

"I love you." Mike broke the silence. 

"I love you too. I can't imagine my life without you. It pains me to think about it, like I wouldn't be able to handle this without you. For the record, I will call the doctor tomorrow and make that appointment because I know I need to get it figured out." I confessed to him. 

Nothing more was said. Still wrapped up in each others arms and presence, Mike started singing and my eyes fluttered shut with ease. Right before I let sleep take me, I heard him say, "I love you now and until we die. If I was given the choice to change anything in this life, it would only be to find you sooner so I could love you longer. One day I will make you Mrs. Banning, I promise you that. Sleep well beautiful, you deserve it." I felt a kiss to my lips and I fell into a peaceful sleep. 

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