Erik Destler/Mike Banning/Gerard Butler

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I had to write this after thinking about the idea. For BrendaDaaeDestler The-Man-with-No-Name

Brenda, Elise, and Audrie sat awkwardly on the couch while staring at the three men in front of them. Directly in front of Brenda was Erik Destler from the 2004 Phantom of the Opera, in front of Elise was Mike Banning, and lastly, in front of Audrie was Gerard freaking Butler. All six of them were highly confused on how and why they were there. Not that the girls were complaining because these men were all they ever thought about. 

"So since we're just awkwardly sitting here... my name is Audrie and this is Brenda and Elise." Audrie said motioning to herself then Brenda then Elise. 

"Nice to meet you beautiful women. I'm Mike Banning." 

"I'm Gerard Butler."

"And I have no idea why I'm here, but my name is Erik Destler."

The girls were still in shock that they had these three handsome men that they dreamed about in front of them. 

"It's nice to meet you guys. We apologize for the silence but we kind of already knew who you all are. We've only been crushing and fangirling over you three since forever. Erik Destler, you are from the 2004 Phantom of the Opera. Mike Banning, you are from Olympus Has Fallen, London Has Fallen, and Angel Has Fallen. You've saved the President on numerous occasions. Gerard Butler, well you're just the one that plays them. Which is weird considering you're sitting beside two of your best characters to ever have been created. Sorry I'm rambling..." Brenda said chuckling. The men had their eyes on the girls but each a different girl. Mike's eyes were on Elise, Erik's were on Brenda, and Gerard's were on Audrie. The girls had taken an immediate notice to this and kept their eyes on their chosen men. Without hesitation, Erik stood up and quickly offered his hand to Brenda, who grabbed it and lead him to her bedroom. Elise almost tackled Mike when his hand reached out to her, leading her down the hallway in search of her room. Lastly, Gerard stood up and threw Audrie over his shoulder and walked straight for the last room that had a door left open. The door shut the second he walked through. That night into the early morning hours, the three men and their girls stayed up talking about anything and everything that they felt like should be said. The men held their girls close and were grateful that this weird incident happened. 

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