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For Ella_Fischbach_Brock

Dracula wasn't a soft and kind hearted person and Ella knew that. He wasn't generous either. That was completely different when he loved someone though. Lately Ella had been feeling depressed, kept to herself, and didn't want to be around Dracula due to that. She didn't feel like he would understand or want to be around her because of that fact. Little did Ella know that Dracula knew she wasn't feeling the best. He was thankful that it was night so he could comfort her like she needed. 

"Ella talk to me please. Did someone hurt you? Do I need to kill someone? Did I do something wrong?" Dracula kept rambling on. 

"Dracula you did nothing wrong. I'm just depressed. I'm sure it will pass. Just calm down love. I love you." Ella said as she buried her face into her pillow on her bed. Dracula layed down beside her facing her. He started running his hand through her hair keeping his gaze on her. She crept closer and placed her head on his pillow burying her face into his chest. 

"You know I don't think I have ever loved someone the way that I love you. You're breathtakingly beautiful, you make me smile by just looking at me, I never thought I would ever be happy ever again until we met. You changed me for the better. You're perfect to me. I will always be here for you and I will always protect you no matter the cost." Dracula told Ella with an intense but loving gaze. He pulled her closer to him, lifting her head making her look at him. Her gaze moving back and forth from his eyes to his lips. Catching her movement, Dracula leaned in and with one movement pressed his lips to Ella's softly. In that moment, Ella knew that there would never be anyone else for her. She would never feel this much love and passion for anyone else. Nobody else could make her feel this good. Dracula kept her in his arms all through the night until the few minutes before sunrise. 

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