Mike Banning

255 5 13

A request for hardywoman99

Dead silence is all that was filling the air in the living room. My heart and Mike's heart was pounding out of our chests after our eleven year old daughter Emily asked us her question. 

"So can I go on the field trip today please? My whole class is going and so is like two teacher aides. They can call you guys when we get there!" Emily begged us. 

"Absolutely not!" Mike rose his voice at her question. 

"I think it's fine." I told our daughter, which caused Mike to turn my way abruptly. 

"What do you mean fine?! She is NOT going on that trip!" 

"Do you really think you're going to stop me from allowing her to go? She will be fine Mike. If something happens we will get to her quickly or whatever needs to be done. She doesn't get to go on field trips that much anyway because of the schools funds." I retorted. 

Mike grumbled, "Fine. But you will have your teacher call us once you get there and give us hourly updates, no exceptions!" 

"I will! I promise!" Emily exclaimed before running up to Mike and hugging him. 

"Alright missy, go grab your backpack and give me the permission slip to sign." I smiled at her. 

Emily ran for her bedroom to get her backpack. I turned to Mike. 

"Babe, she's going to be okay. We will get updates one way or another. If something were to happen, which is a small chance, we will find her and bring her home safely." I smiled at him as I walked over to him and planting a kiss on his cheek. 

"Here it is!" Emily yelled as she waved the slip in front of our faces. 

I chuckled before grabbing the permission slip to sign my name. I gave it back to her to put in her bag. 

"We need to leave now sweetie. Your dad and I have the next three days off so if you are in a situation find a way to get ahold of us. Remember everything we taught you and be smart. I know New York is a ways away but we will get to you or have friends around that area get you. Now, do you have everything you need?" I asked the little blue eyed girl in front of me. 

"Yes mama. We will only be gone for today, tonight, and tomorrow with tomorrow night. I still don't know what all we will be doing there." 

"Let's get going otherwise we're going to be late." Mike broke our conversation up. 

I walked Emily to the car as Mike locked the door and made sure we had everything. Emily opened her door and got in and buckled herself in. Mike and I got in following her actions. I was nervous about letting her go on this trip but I knew she needed to experience something new and exciting like this. I trusted her and her teacher and the aides. That didn't stop me from feeling nervous though.  I broke out of my daydream as we pulled up to the school. We got out of the car and grabbed Emily's bag that had all her necessities in it. We walked her up to the bus they had waiting for her class. 

"Oh Emily, there you are!" Her teacher, Mrs. Reyes exclaimed. 

"Here she is. Her permission slip is in her backpack. If it's not too much trouble, we would greatly appreciate it if you could give us hourly updates about her and how everything is going. We're really hesitant about this." Mike expressed his concerns to Mrs. Reyes. 

"Don't worry Mr. and Mrs. Banning, she will be in great hands. We have three aides going on this trip instead of two because I was concerned about not having enough help. I will be glad to give you updates. I had told the other parents the same thing because I know this is new for them as well. We will take care of them though and keep them as safe as we can." Her words comforted me. 

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