Erik Destler/Mike Banning/Gerard Butler Pt. 3

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For The-Man-with-No-Name BrendaDaaeDestler

*Four years later*

Four years had passed now since that unforgettable night. Gerard and Audrie had a son named Jackson Butler, who had just turned 3, and had another one on the way. They had found out that they were expecting last year when little Jackson was 2 and she was due this year with a little girl. Mike and Elise had finally got married the last year and also were expecting. Erik and Brenda had gotten married the year after the late night dancing memory and had two twin girls, Charlotte (Little Lotte) and Angelina (Angel) the following year. They would be turning 2 this year. Erik's heart dropped when he had seen that little Angelina had received a deformity like his but not as extreme. It didn't bother little Angel though because she loved her dad so much and kept telling him that she loved him no matter what. Gerard and Audrie had stepped in and helped with building two other house on the property so each family had their own houses. Nobody ever complained about anything or caused any problems. Each couple took turns baby sitting for one another so the other parents could have a break. The play dates never ended and the adults were enjoying their lives to the fullest. Audrie had just placed 3 sandwiches and juice boxes for the kids on the counter and called them in to eat. Gerard came into the kitchen with food he had just finished grilling and placed it onto the counter away from the kids. 

"How are you feeling today lass?" He asked before placing a kiss to her forehead. 

"I actually feel really good. This spring air makes me really happy."

"That's great to hear, love." He replied with a smile on his face. 

Erik and Brenda came into the kitchen with Mike and Elise following. Audrie placed a variety of drinks onto the counter before pouring herself some lemonade. Everyone started grabbing plates and filling them with as much food as they could fit. They sat down at the seats that surrounded the rather large island. 

"I just have to take a moment to say that I am so blessed to have met each and every one of you. You guys have made my life so much better and happier. I couldn't have asked for a better family. I love you guys so much." Audrie said meaning every word. 

"We love you too!!" Brenda and Elise said at the same time. 

"I agree. We somehow fit together despite how different of people we are. You guys are the family that I never got to have. For that, I am forever grateful." Erik said with a smile. 

"I love you crazy people too." Mike said grinning. 

Everyone stood up and gathered for a group hug with the kids in the middle of the circle doing the same. They all sat down and finished eating and carried on with their conversations. Once they were done they placed the dishes in the sink and put away the remaining food before grabbing their drinks and going outside to sit. The kids ran around playing while the adults had the chance to relax. 

"I'm so glad I get to sit on my butt today. Being pregnant takes the energy out of me." Elise said.

"At least you aren't carrying twins." Brenda chuckled. 

"True. I would fall over trying to walk." 

"We sure have come a long way from where we used to be. I'm glad though. Look at how happy we are and look at how happy our lives have become. I never pictured any of this but I'm really glad that we were given this opportunity." Audrie said softly as her hand rested on top of Gerard's on her stomach. They both jumped when their little girl kicked. 

"She just kicked!!" Gerard exclaimed excitedly. 

Brenda jumped up and ran towards her. 

"Brenda Destler you better get over here and help me up!" Elise yelled angrily.

"Oh yeah, my bad." Brenda replied before running over to help Elise up. 

The both of them ran over and pushed Gerard's hand out of the way. Another kick could be felt. 

"AHHH!!! Hi there little girl. This is your Auntie Elise and Auntie Brenda and we love you so much!" Elise cooed. 

After they let their excitement out, they went and sat back down. Eventually the sun began to sink lower beneath the horizon. 

"Well we're going to go on home now and get the twins to bed. Thank you both for today. We all needed it." Brenda said before hugging Audrie and Gerard. 

"Not a problem. Thank you for coming though." Gerard said. 

"We'll probably stay home tomorrow. I get worn out a lot easier now so I'll probably be sleeping my day away." Elise yawns. 

"That's fine. Thank you both for coming." Audrie hugged Elise and Mike. 

"Thank you for having us." Mike said shaking Gerard's hand. 

"Of course." 

Gerard and Audrie watched as they walked towards their house. Once they were sure they had everything inside they locked the doors and cleaned the kitchen up. Once that was done, they moved onto getting Jackson ready for bed. They were shocked seeing that he was already in his pajamas and sitting in bed waiting for them. 

"I'm ready for my bedtime story." Jackson told them. 

"You're a big boy now. We didn't even have to help you." Gerard told his son proudly. 

"I'm just like you daddy." Jackson said throwing his little arms around Gerard's neck. 

Gerard's eyes swelled up with tears as he hugged his son back. Audrie couldn't help the smile that spread across her lips. 

"Let's read your bedtime story to you so you can go to sleep." Gerard told him. 

Jackson just nodded as both parents layed down on either side of him and read the story. 

"Alright girls time for bed now." Brenda told the twins. 

"Alright mommy." They said at the same time. 

The girls crawled into their beds and waited to be tucked in. Brenda tucked Charlotte in while Erik tucked Angelina in. Once both girls were snuggled under the blankets, a kiss was pressed to their heads before Brenda and Erik switched to kiss the other one goodnight. 

"Goodnight girls. We love you." Erik told them. 

"Goodnight daddy and mommy. We love you too." Angelina replied. 

Erik and Brenda walked to their bedroom. 

"They're getting so big. I'm not ready for this." Erik sighed. 

"Unfortunately that's how life is sweetheart." Brenda told him. 

Brenda made her way to the bathroom to change into her pajamas as Erik did the same in the bedroom. Once they both were done they too got into bed. Once Brenda was in Erik's arms they both fell asleep. 

"I'm so tired. My feet and back hurt." Elise said as she waddled to the bed and laying down. 

"I'll help you." 

Mike started massaging her feet making sure that they stopped hurting then moved to her back.

"That feels so good. Thank you Mike." Elise said half alseep. 

"I'm your husband. I'm supposed to take care of you." He said pressing a kiss to her head and laying down beside her. Mike went to say something but realized that Elise had already fell  asleep. All he could do was watch her and wonder how he was lucky enough to get her. 

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