Erik Destler

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A request for BrendaDaaeDestler 

The opera house was in complete chaos as the Phantom appeared during the Masquerade ball. At the top of the stairs, he appeared in all red with a white mask but not the normal one he always wore. Why would he appear? You couldn't help but wonder. Christine looked pained as she watched him step down the stairs throwing down a folder with a finished opera and drawing his sword. He addressed Carlotta for her strutting around the stage, Piangi for being overweight, and the managers for using his opera house as a playhouse. Everyone knew of his obsession with Christine, however his eyes weren't on her, they were on me. I felt captivated by him as he looked into my eyes. My eyes followed his every movement while he made his way down the stairs towards me. All eyes were on us at this point. He stood right in front of me glancing down at me due to our height difference. 

"I thought Christine was beautiful, but it seems that I was wrong. You, my dear, are far more beautiful." The phantom stated before glaring at Christine and Raoul. 

Everyone watched in terror as he ran up the stairs and jumped into a trap door that appeared in the middle of the floor. Raoul ran up and jumped in after him then the door closed. Everyone tried getting back to normal and having fun. I,however, was tired and confused and retreated back to my bedroom. As I did, I noticed a figure in all red standing by my door. 

"Hello my dear"

"H...hello" I said a little scared. 

"Do not be afraid. I will not harm you. Give me your hand" 

For some reason I was not afraid and without hesitation took his hand, letting him lead me down the dark hall and into Christine's room. We approached a mirror and he slid it to the side leading me through it before shutting it behind us. 

"What is your name?" 


"Why are you leading me down here?"

"You aren't like the other women. You didn't show any fear when I approached you and you seem to trust me despite everything I have done." Erik stated.

"Because I think you are misunderstood and have a reason for doing what you do. You're protecting your home. You never meant for anyone to get hurt or die, but they got in the way." 

"You, my dear, are the first one to say those kind things to me"

"I speak the truth"

We approached a boat and he held out a hand to help me get in. He paddled us towards what I'm guessing is his hideaway. Once the boat hit the little hill we both got out. It was quiet yet beautiful here. 

"This place is beautiful and peaceful" I complimented him. 

"Thank you, it's the only place I've ever felt safe. I've never showed anyone here except for Christine." Erik's face dropped a little bit. 

"Hey she doesn't know what she's missing out on if she's choosing Raoul over you. He lives in a fantasy world where everything is perfect and life is easy. You are a far better man than he is."

Erik looked down for a moment before he turned to face me. "You don't know what is under this mask. It is everyone's nightmare." 

"I don't believe that."

Erik looked a little angry before ripping his mask off, exposing himself to me. I analyzed his face, and in my opinion, it wasn't as bad as everyone made it out to be. I gave him a soft smile and stepped towards him, placing my hands on his cheeks forcing him to look me in the eyes. "Erik, you are perfect the way you are. Others do not understand what they can't explain. You've written many brilliant operas for this place and everyone loved them." Erik's eyes filled with tears as he hit his knees. I sank down in front of him placing my arms around his shoulders holding him against me. 

"Why...why are you so kind to me? I don't deserve it! I've done nothing but kill and hurt people! My face is everyone's nightmare."

"I disagree with you. You never had a say in how you were born. The world has shown you no compassion so I will. You felt threatened that's why you have done what you did. I see a man who is terrified of the world because it hasn't given him what he truly needs. Love."

Erik looked up into my eyes before gently cupping a cheek and leaning in. His lips pressed softly against mine and, without a moment to waste, I returned this kiss. I felt a feeling that I have never felt before. Is this what love feels like?

"I promise you that you will never be alone ever again Erik"

I heard him softly sing "Love me, that's all I ask of you"

"I will Erik, I will" I whispered before pressing my lips against his again. 

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