Erik Destler

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Another request for IAMTIEBROUS

It was another cruel night at the circus. Poor Erik didn't deserve the abuse and cruelty that our master was serving to him. Erik and I were both just children and didn't ask to be where we were. I was just a runaway and Erik's own mother, his flesh and blood, left him here. We were captured by the Persian circus man and struggled to make it from day to day. We weren't served much to any food, but I always shared what I could find or receive, to Erik. 

"Here Erik. It's not a lot but it will hopefully satisfy your hunger." I told Erik while handing him a half slice of bread. 

"Thank you Heather, you're too kind to me."

"Somebody has to look after you and keep you safe. I pray we will get the chance to escape here one day. I can't take this anymore." I told Erik while keeping my eyes focused on the floor. 

"We will get out of here. I don't know when, but we will." Erik replied back to me, throwing his arms around me. 

I hugged him back not too tightly because of the fresh whip markings he had. We had a few moments to spare until more people arrived for the show. I was suddenly ripped away from Erik and thrown to the side. 

"Here he is folks! The devil's child!" The Persian man yelled out while laughing and taunting Erik. People joined in at laughing at him, tossing coins on the ground. The crowd started clearing out except for one girl, maybe a couple of years older than us. I watched as Erik grabbed a rope from the ground and snuck up behind the fat man while he was picking the coins up. I watched in satisfaction as Erik wrapped the rope around the man's neck, choking him to death. Finally, we're free! I snapped out of my daze as people who lingered started freaking out. Erik frantically ran and grabbed the bag he used as a mask before taking the stranger girl's hand and he ran off with her. I had a feeling this was going to happen, but maybe it was for the best. I picked up the coins that were scattered on the ground and ran into the night, looking for a life to live. 

It's been fifteen years since I escaped from that hell of a circus and I never seen my friend Erik again. I couldn't help but wonder what ever happened to him. Did he stay here in France? Did he jump onto a ship and go to America? I sighed as I continued searching for a job that involves playing piano. I was taken in by a loving elderly couple after they caught me trying to steal some of their eggs in their chicken coupe. They became like grandparents to me and I was forever grateful for that. I still lived with them so I could help take care of them. Which is why I was trying to find a job so I could give them my money to use for bills and groceries. My prayers were answered when I heard to gentlemen speaking.

"We need a new pianist Andre!" 

"I know that Firmin!" 

"Excuse me, I can help you with that. My name is Heather and I can play the piano." I smiled stepping in front of the two men. 

"You got the job then. We will show you inside of the opera house where you will be working." The gentleman called Firmin said before shaking my hand. Andre shook my hand next before leading me in the direction of the Opera Populaire. 

"I'm sure you know it's been two years since our Prima Donna Christine Daee left and the Opera House was burnt thanks to the opera ghost." Andre explained to me while leading me in the direction of the other instrument players and performers. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is Heather. She is our new pianist and will start working tomorrow with us. Please introduce yourselves and make her feel welcome." Firmin tells them. 

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