Mike Banning

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For The-Man-with-No-Name

A/N: I apologize for the shortness of this.

This absolutely sucks. Mike and I were sent on another mission. What sucks? You might ask, oh yeah, the fact that we have to hide our relationship. We've been dating for a year now and for protection of the mission, we have to hide our relationship. There has been so much tension between us that was becoming more of a problem than we had thought. We have been watching a couple of possible terrorists and kept in contact with White House security. 

"We have to go back to the hotel now. We can't do anything else." Mike says, a little irritated. This mission was taking a toll on him and I could tell. It was cute though. He already took off by the time I came back to reality. I quickly followed him in pursuit back to the hotel. When I finally made it to our floor, Mike had disappeared. As I started walking passed the linen closet near a room, the closet door flew open and I was immediately pulled in and a hand covered my mouth. 

"It's me" Mike said in a husky voice, removing his hand from my mouth. I was panting due to being freaked out. My hands reached out and grasped his suit jacket tightly with his hands grabbing my waist tightly, his fingertips digging into my skin. Staring into each others eyes without blinking, we started leaning in. His head dipped down capturing my lips with his own. The kiss was fierce and held so much passion. All of my thoughts drifted away and my eyes immediately shut letting him hold me closer. After a minute, we had to pull away to breathe. Gasping, we stared into each others eyes once again. Once my breath came back, I grabbed his jacket, and pulled him roughly against me. My lips aggressively attacking his while I pushed him back against the wall behind him. Our lips never left one another and we stayed engaged in a heated making out session. So much pent up anger was being released from holding ourselves back for the sake of the mission. Love filled the air and all of the tension left. It felt incredible and I couldn't wait for the mission to be over so we wouldn't have to hide our affection and PDA anymore. 

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