Mike Banning

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For lulu_world

I was on a simple morning jog like every other morning. Being a part of Secret Service meant we had to stay in shape. This time Mike was jogging with me and was about ten steps behind me. 

"Hurry up old man!" I giggled.

"That makes you an old woman since we're the same age." Mike taunted back to me. 

I giggled and picked up my pace. I turned my head to the side and seen Mike had slowed his pace down. I kept jogging but a little slower so he could keep up with me. All of a sudden I can hear the squealing of tires heading right toward me. Before I can move or yell for Mike, the side of a panel van is slid open and I'm roughly grabbed and pulled inside. 

"Y/N!!!!!!! NOOOO!!!!" I can hear Mike yell for me right before the door slid shut. 

Duct tape was immediately placed over my mouth and my hands were tied behind my back. Before I could process what was happening, I was punched in the face and started seeing black spots before I passed out. 

When I woke up I was laying on a dirty concrete floor. My hands were still tied and my mouth still had the duct tape on it. 

"Oh, you're finally awake Y/N. Such a shame Mike couldn't save you." An unknown voice taunted me. 

I growled but didn't say anything. WHACK! The man punched me in the face before ripping the tape off. I turned my head and spit out blood. 

"Your country killed my entire family and now I'm going to do the same to one of their precious Secret Service members before I move onto the others who were there." The man spat out venomously. 

"You have fun with that. We will kill you and your little organization of whatever you are slowly and painfully." I said dangerously low. 

My head whipped to the side abruptly from another punch. I noticed all of this was being recorded which made me look at the camera and grin maliciously before I spoke, "I will get out of here one way or another, and when I do, you're going to regret ever messing with me. That's an honest threat and promise," I flicked my tongue over my top teeth, "keep going. I love the pain." I smiled at the man. 

Five more times I was punched in the face. Blood was now dripping down my face. I knew they were streaming this live everywhere including to the White House and Mike. 

"President Asher and Michael Banning, I hope you are enjoying this because this will continue until I feel like killing her. We will keep streaming each and every day until I decided otherwise. Bye for now." The camera light flashed off, indicating that the stream had been ended. 

I was beat more before I was put into a cell of some sort. 

About a week had passed and I was denied of food and barely got any water. I still got beat during live streams but I didn't back down to cowards like this. My attitude got me beaten more brutally during them but I didn't care. I liked the pain and making them mad. I knew I would be killed either way. At least I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of being afraid, because that's what they lived off of. I was yanked out of my cell again and placed in front of the camera. My face was all bruised and cut up with dried blood caking my face. My hair was disheveled and I know my complexion was pale. 

"This is the last video because she dies today. We will be coming for each and every Secret Service member. But because I'm feeling so generous today, is there anything you would like to say before I finish this?" The leader asked. 

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