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For Rammstein_fanatic

Warnings for this part: suicide attempt, depression, and self harm. 

Ella was done with life at this point. There was nothing left to live for. No family worth sticking around for, no friends, no one and nothing. Her depression was something she always fought her hardest to try and overcome, but this time it had one. With the gun hidden in the waistband of her jeans, she made her way towards the abandoned barn on the outskirts of town. After ten minutes of walking, she finally reached her destination. She glanced down at her arms, the scars to be exact, from all of the years of cutting. Tears slid down Ella's face as she broke out into a screaming fit. Unknown to her knowledge, Dracula had been tracking her scent since before she left her house. He was still at least five minutes behind her. Ella reached an arm behind her and grabbed the gun out of the waistband of her jeans. She then pulled the will out of her jacket pocket and held onto it tightly. Slowly she raised the gun to her head, tears still falling down her face, and flipped the safety off. Dracula had just arrived when Ella raised the gun to her head. 

"No stop!!!!!" He yelled at Ella.

Shocked and scared, Ella dropped the gun. Dracula quickly grabbed the gun and put the safety back on. He looked angrily at Ella, and that's when she broke down. 

"I have nothing to live for!!!!! My life has been nothing but misery since I was a child! My family abused me. I have nobody. No family, friends, or anything. I just want to die!" She screamed at him before lunging forward into his arms. Dracula let tears slip down his face as he held onto the broken girl before him. 

She never even met this man and yet she for some reason trusted him. Ella was not prepared for what he would say next. 

"You have two choices. You can either end your life like you planned, or you can join me and become a vampire." Dracula told her, showing her his fangs. 

She took a few steps back. 

"No..." She whispered, not believing in what she was seeing. She thought about the two choices and chose the latter. It for some reason seemed better than ending her life. Her depression was still there, but it eased up for the moment. Something about this man made her feel sympathy for him. 

"What's your name? How old are you?" Ella asked him.

"Dracula and I'm very old. Let's leave it at that Ella."

"How do you know my name?" She questioned him. 

"Vampires have very sensitive hearing you know." He chuckled. 

Ella looked him in the eyes. "Do it." 

"Do what?" 

"Change me. I can't promise that my depression will be better in the future but I can promise that I won't try to repeat what almost happened tonight." Ella told him honestly. 

"It will sting and cause pain for a while." Dracula warned her. 

"I don't care. Just do it!" She demanded. 

Dracula stepped forward and brushed her hair behind her shoulders. His hands gently reached up to cup her face and tilt her head to the side. Her arms rested on his sides, waiting for the sting. He leaned down to her neck and gently bit into her. Once he was satisfied, he pulled away and made a cut on his neck for her. Ella leaned forward and drank the blood before pulling back. Her body started burning inside and she could feel the change. Her fangs started coming through her gums as well, causing her to grunt in pain. She felt her physical shape also change a little bit. Ella felt stronger, taller, and more confident. For once in her life she actually felt happy. Dracula had stood back and waited for her change to be completed. Once everything stopped burning and changing, Ella turned around to face him. Dracula stood in awe at her. 

"I'm hungry." She stated to him as she walked to stand in front of him, breaking him out of his daze. 

"Then we need to feed. After that where would you like to go? We have all the time in the world." He asked her softly.

"Let's go then." She replied grabbing his hand. "With you I'd go anywhere."

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