Erik Destler

282 9 33

For Darks_Little_Angel

Starting a family. That's all Erik and I have wanted, but I'm afraid because of how my childhood was. I came from an abusive family. Every single day was nothing but abuse, some days for no reason. I still have the welts and scars to prove that from whips or belts. Erik knew about my past and I knew about his. We both were terrified of being terrible parents from the abuse we faced. Which is probably why we were both avoiding each other and avoiding touching each other. It had been two weeks since we last hugged. It was killing me. 

"Erik can you please come here?" I asked him, slightly whining. 

Erik's white mask came into view. "Yes?" 

I didn't say anything as I ran towards him and embraced him tightly. Without an ounce of hesitation, his arms wrapped around me tightly. 

"I missed you so much." We said simultaneously before laughing. 

"I'm sorry. I was just scared after our last conversation about wanting a family. I don't want us to turn out like they did or be terrible parents." Erik explained softly, tears spilling out of his eyes. 

I hugged him tighter and silently started sobbing along with him. "I love you Erik and I really do want a family with you. I wanted that since the first day I met you. I knew you were the one for me and I never wanted anyone else. Everything in life I wanted to achieve it with you." 

"I love you so much." His voice lowered before his lips pressed softly against mine, his hands gripping my waist. 

I meant every word that I said to Erik. I always wanted more in life than what I was offered as a child. Being with Erik made me realize that I was exactly where I was destined to be. We completed each other and taught each other new things. We guided each other down the right path and not once did we ever give up on one another. 

"Erik, I want a family with you. When I met you I knew that's exactly what I wanted. So why don't we start for a family now?" I placed a hand on his face as I spoke while placing my forehead against his. 

"I'd say let's do it then." He grinned. 

~Two months later~

I had my head in a bucket while throwing up. I knew what was wrong because I had missed my period and the doctor confirmed the pregnancy earlier this morning. I was just now waiting for Erik to be done with writing his music. I heard the door open. Finally!

"Hey sweetheart." Erik said while placing a kiss on my head. 

"I have good news!" I exclaimed, unable to hold my excitement in. 

"What is it?" 

"Our wish finally came true!"

"'re pregnant?!" Erik yelled as he picked me up by my waist and spinning us around. 

"I found out this morning. I'm two months along." I started crying. 

"I...I can't believe it. We're finally going to be parents. I'm going to finally be a dad!" Erik and I both sank to our knees holding one another. It was finally happening and I couldn't be more happy. Erik and I finally have the life we never expected to have and we have a product of love that had seven more months to go. Our child was the light at the end of the tunnel. 

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