Erik Destler

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A request for this amazing person billiethedramaqueen

All Alexadra could see was blood on Erik's shirt as she layed in his arms. 

"Stay with me Alex, please! Stay awake and keep fighting it!" Erik's voice cried while he pleaded. 

"Erik, it hurts so much....why does it hurt so much?" Alex cried in pain, tears spilling down her cheeks. 

Erik's heart broke at the scene that unfolded before him. The love of his life was bleeding out in his arms and he couldn't do a thing to stop it. Alex screamed out as another pain hit her harder than the other ones. 

"Alexandra!!!!! Alexandra wake up!!! Please, wake up!!" 

Alex shot up drenched in sweat as she felt her stomach, realizing there was no wound nor any blood. She sighed in relief, glad that is was just a nightmare. 

"What were you dreaming about? You kept grabbing for me and telling me you loved me and that you were sorry." Erik told her softly with concern. 

"I was stabbed several times and we were sitting on the floor. I was in your arms and there was nothing you could do. It was horrible!" Alex cried out grabbing onto Erik tightly. 

Erik's arm wound around her waist tightly, assuring her that it was nothing more than a terrible nightmare. She was still shaken up but felt a little more secure knowing that she was very much alive and her lover was there to comfort her. 

"Let's do something to get your mind off of your nightmare. Would you like to go for a swim?" Erik asked her, looking into her eyes. 

"That sounds great. I just want to try to forget about it." Alex told him as she stood up slipping her dress off leaving herself in just her slip. Without an ounce of hesitation she ran and dove into the water, staying under for a few seconds before coming back to the surface. Brushing her hair out of her face, she notices Erik was a few feet away from her just gazing at her. She slowly swam over to him to throw her arms around his neck and pressing her lips to his ever so lovingly. Erik's hands immediately made their way to the middle of her back, pushing her more into him. One hand slowly moved up and cupped the back of her head pushing her more into the kiss. The only sounds that could be heard were the singing from up above echoing through the vents, and the water moving back and forth hitting a variation of surfaces. They pulled away to breathe but remained close by leaning their foreheads against each others. 

"I love you. You know I would go to the ends of the world for you." Erik whispered to Alexandra, his lips brushing against hers. 

"I love you Erik. And I would do the same for you. Everyone out there is so cruel and closed minded. They could never understand us, the love we have, or anything else about you. I do though and I wouldn't trade what we have for anything else in this world. My love, you are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Don't ever let anyone tell you differently." Alexandra told him with her hand reaching up to cup his cheek. Her eyes locking with his as her face inched forward before her eyes closed as she pressed her lips to his once more. This time their graps were more needy and their kiss was more passionate. One fairytale that Erik hoped would last until his last breath. 

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