Mike Banning

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It's been a while since my Aunt Margaret passed away and that was the last time I had visited her and my Uncle Ben. I will never forget that night, having to watch her die and hold my cousin Connor back. It was also the last time I had seen that familiar and handsome face that I knew from somewhere in my past. So many memories here, I thought as I stood in the foyer of the White House. 

"Hey Heather, it's been a while since we've seen you." I hear the familiar voice of Agent Roma call out. 

"Roma!!!! I've missed you!" I exclaimed as I ran up to him and hugging him. 

"What about me?" I hear Dave ask. 

"Dave!!! One of my favorite people to see." I giggled out before running over to hug him. 

I hear him chuckle as he hugged me back. 

"Where's my uncle and Connor at?" I asked him. 

"Your uncle is in a meeting at the moment and Connor is who knows where. You know Banning has taught him bad habits." Dave chuckles. 

"Just what Connor needs. I'm already a bad influence on him. I just came by to let you guys know I'm here now. I'm going to go out for some coffee and I'll be back soon." I giggled out. 

I left the White House and began walking to the local cafe. The walk was a lot faster than I anticipated on it being. I wasn't paying attention and accidentally ran into someone right in front of the cafe.  

"Oh my gosh, I am so so sorry!" 

"Don't be, accidents happen." A husky voice chuckles, sending shivers down my entire body. I look up and see the familiar face again. 

"What's you're name if you don't mind me asking?" I curiously asked him. 

"Mike Banning." Then it all clicks. 

"Oh my gosh, I haven't seen you in so long. You look even more handsome." 

"Wait...I remember you.Heather right? We went to high school and prom together."

"Yep that's me."

"Would you want to sit down and have coffee with me? I have some time before I have to be at work." He asked me holding the door open for me. 

"Sure. I don't have anything else to do until my uncle gets out of his meeting. You know being the president is always time consuming." I sigh. 

"Yeah, I remember that." 

"I'm sorry that he let you go. It wasn't your fault, what happened to my aunt. You tried your best and my uncle shouldn't of blamed you." I whispered to him as we stood in line waiting to be served. 

"I feel like it was my fault." Mike had his head hung down. 

I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. "It wasn't your fault I promise Mike."

It was finally our turn in line and we gave our order to the lady. We talked for the few minutes while waiting to get our coffee. After Mike paid for our coffee we made our way to a seat by the door where Lynn Jacobs sat. 

"Hi Lynn. Long time no see." I smiled at her. 

"Hello Heather. You look even more beautiful now. What are you doing here?"

"Thank you, I can say the same about you. I'm visiting my uncle. It's been way too long." I replied back to her. 

"Hi Jacobs." Mike said to her. 

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