Erik Destler

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For Ella_Fischbach_Brock I'm sorry for the shortness of this but I hope you enjoy.

Modern Erik

"And scene!" The director yelled. Everyone dispersed for their lunch break. Ella felt confident that she did the seen decently. She smiled once she seen her boyfriend holding food for her. 

"I got your favorite." Erik smiled at her, proud of his accomplishment. 

Ella giggled. "Thank you babe. I appreciate it."

Erik followed Ella back to her trailer so they could enjoy lunch together like they normally did. Filming took a lot out of Ella and she was always exhausted but this new horror film meant a lot to her and Erik couldn't be more proud and supportive of her. After small conversations and finishing their food, it was time for Ella to head back to set. 

"I'll be back within the next hour or so. We don't have much to film for today if people could contain themselves. But it means more extra footage that gets added to the gag reels for the bonus features." Ella laughed. 

"What's a gag reel?" Erik asked confused. 

"It's the funny parts of a television show or movie. Like when someone can't remember their lines or they just act silly and it gets caught on camera." Ella explained. 

"Alright. Well have fun filming the rest of today's scenes. I love you." Erik smiled.

"I will and I love you too Erik." She said before placing a hand to one cheek and kissing the other before walking to set. 

Erik couldn't contain his childish antics. The hour was almost up and they were finishing their last scene for the day. With the cameras still rolling, Erik snuck up behind Ella and grabbed her sides. Everyone failed to notice that the cameras were focused on Erik and Ella. She screamed at the top of her lungs and Erik lost it. He started laughing so hard he was crying and couldn't breathe. Everyone else was in fits of laughter and struggling to breathe. Ella turned around and started smacking him. 

"OH MY GOD!!!!! What is wrong with you?!?!" She exclaimed as she tried to regain her breath. 

"I...I you so much. I couldn't resist." Erik breathed out. 

"You're so mean." She pouted. 

Once everyone's composure was regained, the director had everyone redo the scene. Once it was finished everyone was dismissed for the rest of the day and was told they had the next two days off. Ella changed back into her normal attire and met Erik outside. 

"I hate you for that." 

"You could never hate me no matter how hard you tried." Erik chuckled. 

"Be thankful for that." Ella smiled as her arms wrapped around Erik's abdomen to hug him. His arms reciprocated the gesture and he placed a kiss to her head. Ella loved her man-child no matter how much she sometimes wanted to smack him. She wouldn't trade him for the world. 

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