Mike Banning

325 5 14

For The-Man-with-No-Name

Elise trailed up her and Mike's driveway, barely making it. She was stumbling and fighting not to just collapse right there. She finally made it to the porch and began to open the door but Mike had beat her to it. When he opened the door, she collapsed right against him causing him to quickly grab her. He noticed her gun was still in her hand and she was dirty and wounded. He became concerned with how bad her mission was. She began muttering incoherently and angrily. Mike did his best to support her as he led her to their bedroom. She let go of him and stumbled to the bed before face planting into the mattress. Mike sat on the bed next to her and kept jokingly calling out her name. Nothing. He kept repeating his actions which caused her to turn over and away from him. He felt hurt when she ignored him and turned away. He stood up and walked out. She fell asleep as soon as he left their shared room. Hours had passed by and Mike had finished his supper when he became concerned that she still hadn't came down. He had stopped being mad at her an hour before he began eating his meal. He realized that she didn't mean to hurt him because she was just exhausted and hurt. Mike put his plate and cup into the sink before placing food onto a plate and getting her a bottle of water. He made it up the stairs and entered their room. After placing the plate and drink on the nightstand, he gently began waking her up. Elise stirred and began waking up when she heard Mike calling her name. She sat up as she slowly started waking up. 

"I brought you supper since you missed it." Mike smiled at her. 

"I'm so sorry about earlier. I was just exhausted and I hurt from my mission today." Elise apologized to her lover. She honestly didn't mean to hurt his feelings. 

"It's okay, really. I know you didn't mean to hurt my feelings. You can eat while I run you a bath." Mike stood up and kissed her forehead before walking to the bathroom to run her a bath. 

Elise quickly ate her food and drank her water due to her hunger and thirst. Once she was done, she placed them back on the nightstand before making her way to the bathroom. Mike had just finished filling the bathtub when he grabbed a towel walking back to the room. Elise shut the door and began stripping then got into the warm bath. The warm water began relaxing her muscles. Mike walked in with a towel around his waist and dropped it after making sure her eyes were shut. Keeping her eyes shut, she leaned forward to let him sit behind her. Mike wet the washrag before adding a small amount of soap and began bathing her. She sighed happily as she began relaxing and became clean. After they both rinsed off they stood up grabbing their towels and began drying off. Once they were dressed, they went back to the bedroom and got into bed. 

"I'm so sorry about earlier. I know you say it's all fine but I still feel bad." Elise whispered tiredly to Mike. 

"It's all forgiven sweetheart. Let's just sleep now." Mike whispered back before kissing her. 

The couple laid their heads down on their pillows. Their legs tangled together and Mike's arm was wrapped securely around Elise's waist. Elise began drifting off to sleep as Mike remained awake for a while longer just admiring his girlfriend's face. After an hour, Mike began falling asleep with a smile on his face. 

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