Mike Banning

950 4 23

For my dear friend The-Man-with-No-Name

Fear. That's all Y/N could feel. Today was one of the worst days in history for the whole country. The White House was under attack and there had already been many casualties. Y/N had been watching the television from the hospital where she worked at. Many people were being brought in more as the hours went on and she did her hardest to save as many lives as she possibly could. Her thoughts kept drifting to her husband Mike, praying that he was safe in whatever he was doing. Her mind was able to be kept off of the thought of him by the patients that kept coming in. They had lost so many over the past few hours, saved many, and many others were still a wait and see. There had been a small gap for some of the nurses and doctors to a little break. Y/N wasn't sure how many hours had past but it was enough to notice that it was night and her phone was currently going off. Mike's name flashing across the screen. Y/N quickly answered. 

"Mike, are you safe? Are you okay?" 

"I'm okay sweetheart. I've been piled up with paperwork. I'll be home late." Mike tried to lie to his wife. 

"You don't have to lie Mike. Just please be careful out there. I love you.." Y/N let trailed off. 

"I love you too. How is work?" Mike's voice was laced with exhaustion as he sat on the floor of the White House, against the wall. He just needed to hear his wife's voice before he continued on with his mission. 

"Extremely busy. We've been trying our hardest to save everyone. It's so terrible Mike...I can't..." His wife began losing it. 

"Breathe in and out, in and out. You got this babe. I believe in you. Listen, I have to go but I will be home later on. I will be coming home to you." Mike lowered his voice, not believing much of what he was saying because there was no guarantee that he would be coming home. 

"I'm okay now. I believe in you and just please watch your back." Y/N's voice slightly waivered. 

"I will sweetheart." Mike told his wife before hanging up. 

Y/N stood at the receptionist desk with her phone in her hand just staring at the screen with tears flooding down her cheeks. She prayed that Mike would be making it home to her in one piece. 

Mike's intercom went off.

"Welcome to my house." A voice that belonged to the terrorist named Kang spoke out to Mike. Mike pulled his intercom from his vest pocket. 

"Hey asshole, what took you so long?"

"You're the one that let the First Lady die, no? And soon the president. Failure seems to be a habit with you." Kang taunted. 

"Yeah, well maybe I owe you for giving me a chance for making up for that today." Mike replied. 

"I admire you, for acknowledging your failure. There's no going back. Nothing you try and do here tonight can atone."

"Yeah maybe not, but I reckon fucking your shit up would be a pretty good start. Maybe you'd want to take a head count. The bodies are piling up." Mike taunted the man right back. 

"I have more than enough men to finish the mission." Kang replied conceitedly. 

"Oh and by the way, if you're looking for Connor, he's on his way to the baseball game."

"How's your wife Michael? Y/N, she's a nurse. Saves lives. Too bad she can't save yours."

Mike was livid at this point but kept himself composed as he replied, "You know what? Why don't you and I play a game of fuck off? You go first." Mike said before clicking his intercom off. 

Hours carried on and it was now around three thirty in the morning. Everyone was exhausted at this point but kept fighting to save as many lives of their patients as they could. Y/N was on her third energy drink that seemed to be helping her keep what remaining energy she had. She was currently assisting a patient who needed bandages and pain medicine. After that was finished, she left the room and rested her back against a wall. 'Please Mike, be safe. Please let him be safe' she kept thinking to herself. At the same time, Mike was standing up saying a silent prayer for him and Y/N to be protected. 

"Let's get this shit show running." Mike said before going forward with rescuing President Asher. Everything became a blur until he was with the president right outside of the bunker in the tunnels. As soon as the elevator doors opened he began firing. Shooting two men then sliding on his knees trying to grab the gun from another man. Mike stood up once the gun was knocked out of the man's hands and slammed his head against the concrete wall before snapping his neck. President Asher began to fight Kang as Mike turned around when the gun went off. Running towards Kang, Mike managed to knock the gun out of his hands and slammed him against the wall. The president slid down the wall while gasping and placing his hands over the gunshot wound. Mike took several punches from Kang before slamming him against the wall again and grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. Punches and kicks were being thrown until Kang pulled two knives out. They were quickly kicked out of his hands but Mike was kicked twice harshly and fell to the floor. Mike grabbed one of the knives that had been dropped and managed to cut the terrorist twice before he was held against the wall by his neck. His mind started racing with memories of Y/N and him. For a second, he didn't think he would make it out alive, but the thought of her gave him enough anger and power to keep fighting. He was choke slammed against the concrete wall yet again. 

"Come on Mike!" President Asher tried encouraging him. 

"Looks like you failed again Mike," Kang taunted, "I guess you will never get to see your lovely wife again. Maybe I'll go after her next."

Mike officially lost it and his anger took over. He harshly brought his elbow down into the bend of Kang's arm causing him to fall down far enough for Mike to kick him in the face and wrap his legs around Kang's neck. Once they were both on the ground, Mike broke the wrist of the asshole who had been taunting him. Mike noticed the knife on the ground next to him and reached over. Looking Kang dead in the eyes, Mike shoved the knife through his head, killing him instantly. Mike kicked Kang off to the side before standing up and rushing towards the machine that was counting down the missiles. 

Y/N was standing in her scrubs by an ambulance in front of the White House, waiting for signs that her husband was still alive. It was early morning, the sky had light to it with a light blue before the sun would be coming up. Her heart felt like it was beating out of her chest with her anxiety. Two figures emerged from the rubble of the front doors and heading in her direction. Two army men ran up to get President Asher as Mike stopped in his tracks once he seen his wife. The two began running for each other. Once Y/N was close enough, she jumped into Mike's arms, her legs securing around his waist. Mike was in pain but didn't care. Him getting to see his wife was the only thing that mattered to him. Especially after the hell he had just went through. Y/N led her husband to the ambulance and let the paramedics assess him. Once his wounds had been treated, he stood back up and hugged his wife. 

"I told you I'd be coming back home to you. I'll continue doing it every night, even though sometimes might be longer, I will be coming home to you." Mike reassured her seriously before planting a kiss to her forehead. 

"Lets go home." Y/N smiled at him as she wrapped an arm around his waist, his arm wrapping around her shoulder. The married couple walked away from the destruction of last nights events. Both of them seeing things in a different light, knowing that no matter what, nothing would keep them apart. Their love was strong and tough enough to outweigh any situation and they would always come back home to one another.  

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