Mike Banning

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For my best friend The-Man-with-No-Name

"Where are we going? How long until we get there?" Elise questioned Mike as she kept moving around in her seat of the private plane.

"I'm not telling you. We'll be there in like 2 seconds." Mike chuckled after answering his girlfriend's questions.

He had asked President Asher for a month break to take his girlfriend somewhere special since he hadn't had much time to spend with her due to his schedule. Elise noticed the plane had started to lower onto the runway. She started to get antsy and waited for the plane to land before jumping up. Before she could get too far, Mike placed a blindfold over her eyes.

"Mike, why?!?" She whined at him.

Mike chuckled, " it's a surprise."

He guided her to where they would be staying. It was a nice little bungalow where they had some privacy. He kept his hold on her to keep her from falling off of the dock and into the water. Mike stopped and removed her blindfold. "Welcome to the Maldives."

"Mike, you didn't." She started getting teary eyed.

"I did. We have an entire month here. I know life hasn't been easy for you" He told her softly.

He knew her life was getting to be overwhelming and she deserved a break. Before he could react, his girlfriend threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly. "I love you Mike Banning, so much."

"Let's get settled in and eat then we can go adventure." He told Elise.

They went to get settled in then ate quickly and made their way to explore.

Hours had passed and they were back at their bungalow and in the pool. It was quiet and peaceful, something neither of them were used to. Mike had his chest pressed to Elise's back and arms wrapped around her, her hands holding onto his. The sun had started to set, the couple remained holding onto each other, staring out at it.

"If we ever quit our jobs, I want to move here. I don't think I'd find anywhere this peaceful like here is." Elise softly told her boyfriend.

"Just say when sweetheart and we will. I'll go wherever you go." Mike whispered to her before sliding a hand up to her cheek, turning her face towards his. Once her eyes met his, he leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers.

"I love you Mike Banning." She whispered

"I love you more Elise. Just say the word and we can stay here forever." He muttered against her lips.

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