Mike Banning

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"Well shit..." I said as I just found out Mike, whom I am secretly in love with, and I along with a team, are being sent out on a secret mission. What the actual hell even?! This was hell and my punishment, I just knew it. We just loaded up and are heading to the hotel where we were staying. It was a fancy five star hotel so it wasn't that bad. Forget I said that. It was bad because the other guys on the team kept constantly teasing Mike and I about liking one another, etc. It was embarrassing and irritating. We arrived at the hotel and pulled out our fake I.D's to get checked in. All of us were currently undercover and spying on a couple of men who were on the White House's watch list. Luckily, all that we had to do was keep surveillance on them and report back to let the military guys take over. We all were on the 4th floor and had rooms next to each other except for Mike and I. Did I forget to mention that Mike and I had to pretend to be a couple? Yeah...not fun considering that fact that I'm in love with him and all. It was now 9 p.m. and we were all exhausted. Saying our goodnights to one another, we made our way inside of our rooms. There was one tiny problem with mine and Mike's room....

"Um...Mike, there's only one bed..."

"Yeah normal couples sleep together don't they...sweetheart?" Mike said grinning. 


I could hear muffled voices outside of our door. 

"How's the room lovebirds? Keep it down in there and everything will be fine!" The voices said laughing before retreating back to their rooms. My face turned red and I looked down in embarrassment. I grabbed my pajamas then made my way to the bathroom to change and brush my teeth and hair. Once I finished, I walked back into the bedroom letting Mike have the bathroom. Pulling back the covers I got into bed and layed down. Mike came back in and grabbed the other pillow and placed it at the end of the bed still on the other side. 

"Uh Mike? What are you doing?"

"I'm sleeping down here" He bluntly stated getting into bed and laying down. We said our goodnights and fell asleep. 

I woke up to sunlight in my face as well as a face in my face and a shirtless Mike holding onto me. "AHHHHH!!!!" I yelled scaring Mike awake causing us to hit our heads against one another. "Jesus Christ..how did we wind up like this? I mean I'm not complaining but you were down there!" I shouted before placing my head on his chest with hand resting there as well placing with his chest hair. "I don't know but I could get used to this" he said chuckling. We didn't realize what time it was until the group was knocking on our door before it opened. Mike and I didn't have time to react before a phone made a clicking noise indicating that someone had taken a picture. "So Mike, what happened to you sleeping at the end of the bed?" One guy named Jake asked. All of them started laughing before they left closing the door behind them. My phone dinged notifying me that I received a text. I clicked on it and up came the picture of me and Mike. I grinned as I saved the picture and sent it to Mike. 

A week later...

It has been one week now that we've been on the mission and we were finally done and we were heading back home today. I had woken up to Mike playing with my hair while staring at me. Whenever we slept at night now we made it a habit of cuddling. It was rather comforting to both of us. Mike had become rather touchy and wouldn't let me be alone. It was kind of cute. 

"Good morning" Mike said in a husky voice.

"Good morning!" I smiled at him. 

"If I can be honest about something... I'm in love with you. I have been since we first started working together. Your smile, your laugh, just everything about you makes me love you. You're absolutely beautiful and you always have the will to keep going. You're like gravity, everyone gets drawn to you including me. This past week has made me realize it even more." 

I froze up for a second before smiling with tears in my eyes. Looking into his eyes, I said, "I am in love with you Mike Banning." His lips roughly smashed against mine, holding me as tightly against him as humanly possible. I have never been in love with someone as I was with Mike Banning. This mission was definitely the push that we both needed. Damn it felt good.

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