Gerry Kennedy

293 7 16

A request for billiethedramaqueen

"Alex are you here?" Alex's boyfriend Gerry called out.

With a pounding head Alex replied, "In here." She instantly regretted it as her migraine became more intense. Gerry's footsteps could be heard until they reached right inside of the bedroom where Alexa laid in bed underneath the pile of blankets. The curtains were partially drawn closed. 

"Are you feeling okay? Or do you have a migraine again?" Gerry asked his girlfriend with concern written on his face. 

"Another migraine unfortunately. This is the second one this week except worse. I've been like this for three hours now." Alex whined to him. Gerry took his socks and jacket off before laying down under the covers next to her. Turning on his side to face her, he reached up to brush the hair off of her face and tuck it behind her ear. 

"Have you taken any medicine and tried an ice pack?" He softly asked Alex. 

"Yes to the medicine and no to the ice pack." 

"Would you like me to bring you one and wrap it up so it's not so cold?" 

"Yes please." She whined once again, just wanting the pain to go away. Gerry got up and made his way to the door before disappearing. Alex laid there gritting her teeth as a pain shot through her head. Gerry returned a minute later and went to his side of the bed. Once he was under the covers and laid back down, he place the ice pack onto her forehead. His girlfriend sighed in content. 

"Thank you babe. I love you so much and you're seriously the best." Alex grinned at her lover. 

"I'd do anything for you lass, you know that. I love you too and so are you." Gerry smiled back at her before leaning over to kiss her. After he pulled away, he just looked at her. Amazed that he was blessed enough to get a woman like her. One that carried her own, didn't need help unless she asked for it, was highly independent, who smiled no matter what she was going through, and so much more. He was so ecstatic that she was his and he was hers. He didn't mean that in a property or ownership way, but a secured relationship way. 

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked him, breaking him out of his thoughts. 

"I just realized how blessed I am to have you. You just make my life better, my day better, my world better. I don't know where I'd be without you and I don't want to know. Which is why I am going to ask you... will you marry me? I know this isn't the greatest way of asking you but I've had this thing in my pocket for the past week trying to come up with ways to ask you. I figured this is the best way because I want to take care of you in sickness and in health, and you being in this state I hope proves that. I love you Alexandra." Gerry spills his heart out to her while holding the little box with the shiny diamond ring in it. Alex and Gerry burst out into tears and held onto each other. Alex broke away after minute to answer him. "Yes. Yes, I'll marry you!" Alex exclaimed. Gerry chuckled before placing the ring onto her left hand. Once that was finished, he placed both hands on her face and pulled her to him, slamming his lips onto hers. They pulled away once they were out of breath. 

"You make me a better person and make me want to be better with everything I do. I know we're not perfect and we have our ups and downs, but thank you for never giving up on me. I know I can be difficult but please, don't give up on me. I will always take care of you, especially with your migraines because I know how bad they can get." Gerry's Irish accent thickens the more he pours his heart out to his fiancé. 

"I will always support your decisions and you. I will never give up on you even if you become more difficult. I appreciate everything you have done, are doing, and will continue to do for me. I love you for all that." Alex spoke softly to him, placing a hand on his face and gently kissing him once more. 

"I wish I could've met you when we were kids so I would've had more time with you." Gerry confesses to his fiancé.

"I agree. Now, kiss me again Irishman." Alex giggled.

"With pleasure." He playfully growled before pouncing on top of her. 

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