Gerard Butler

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For Addison_Destler

Addison stood in nothing but her boyfriend's, Gerard's, shirt in the kitchen. Fixing breakfast for herself and Gerard, she began singing and dancing around the kitchen unaware of Gerard leaning against the door frame smiling at her. It was hard for him to believe that they had been together four years and up until now the thought of her moving in had never crossed his mind. Addison turned around and screamed as she finally noticed Gerard standing there.

"Hey, uh long have you been standing there?" Addison asked with her face red from embarrassment. 

"Long enough to know that you dance and sing beautifully." Gerard smirked.

Addison giggled as she placed the plates full of food on the island. "I'm glad you find me amusing." She said before taking a drink of her orange juice.

"I love you, you know that. Which leads me to my next question. Will you move in with me?" He asked causing Addison to spit out her drink. 

"Do whatta now???" 

"Move in with me. Half of your stuff is already here and we've been together for four years. I think we should step it up and you live here now. You're barely home anyways." Gerard said walking up to Addison, placing his hands on her waist and kissing her head. "I'll do it. We'll just have to get the rest of my stuff today." She replied. 

*An hour later*

"Jesus Christ, how much further until we get to the bedroom?!" Addison huffed. 

"Seven more steps." Gerard chuckled. They finally made it to the bedroom and the corner where her nightstand would go. It was the last piece of furniture thankfully. She didn't have much to move anyway since she lived in a tiny apartment. Addison walked over to Gerard and wrapped her arms around his waist and chin resting on his chest, looking up at him.

"What?" Gerard asked.

"After four years of being together and you finally asking, I'm finally home." Addison said softly with a smile on her face. The love between them could be felt and nothing could be better than that. They spent the rest of the day putting her clothes in the closet and in the shared chest of drawers. Her shoes were placed onto the shelf in the closet. Tonight was different than other nights, because they were officially living together. After supper was fixed and they had eaten, both Addison and Gerard got into bed. 

"I love this."

"What?" Addison asked confused.

"We're finally living together. Now I get to hold you every night as we fall asleep and get to wake up still holding you. I don't know why I waited so long to ask."

"I don't know why you waited either, but the important thing is you finally asked. I love you Gerard I hope you know that."

"I love you too Addison."

They fell asleep wrapped up in each others arms and the warmth radiating between them. 

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