Erik Destler

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For Ella_Fischbach_Brock

Erik never thought that someone could understand fully, love him despite everything he's done, and continue caring for him. Ella changed that when he met her. It wasn't intended to happen, but Erik was glad that it did. She didn't care that he had a face deformity or that he lost his mind from time to time along with his temper. Ella was always there for Erik when he was depressed and shed tears and when he was angry and ranting. Either way she always could make him smile and laugh. For that, he was eternally grateful. Ella herself suffered depression, rejection, and abuse both physically and mentally. They shared the love for music and that brought them closer than anything else. They were the best of friends, then it all changed. Erik was the first to realize that he fell in love with his best friend and was terrified. It was on a Thursday afternoon that Erik's mood changed to sadness. 

"Erikkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh Operaaaaaaaaaaaa Ghosttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look at me, look at me!!" Ella sang at the end while giggling. Erik's mood slightly started changing into happiness. "You alone, can make my song take flight" His lyrics flooded into his mind. What he didn't realize is that he sang that out loud. Ella heard every word and stood there staring at him. She pretended as if she heard nothing though. "So, Erik how are you doing today?" "I'm alright I suppose. How about you dear?" Erik asked genuinely interested. "I'm doing great. I mightttttt have terrorized a ballet girl today. Those darn sand bags just won't stay up in the rafters and those ballet shoes probably should be replaced. She got a little tied up" Ella cackled. Erik started laughing so hard that he had to hold onto the wall. Ella was crying from laughing so hard and face planted onto the cold hard floor causing Erik to lose his balance from laughing too much and fell onto his back. Ella and Erik both layed on the floor laughing and crying. Erik was the first to stand up and halfway compose himself and helped Ella up. He pulled Ella into a hug. Ella immediately returned the hug and breathed in his scent. Both of their hearts skipped a beat then started beating faster.  Ella pulled back and left her hands resting on Erik's sides. Both of their gazes on each other. It was at this moment that they both realized that they weren't just best friends. The feeling of love filled the air and before Ella could stop herself and Erik could process what was happening, Ella's lips crashed against Erik's. His hands quickly moved to cup her face and kissed back with force. Ella pulled back for air, resting her forehead against Erik's. "That best friend title goes out the window now." Ella said breaking the silence. "Will you do the honor of being with me then?" Erik asked slowly. "You bet!" Ella said excitedly. Erik just stared at her in awe. He couldn't believe that an angel like her had been through so much like he had and still came out on the other side, stronger than ever. She craved both the light and dark. She saw the beauty in the darkness and the darkness in the light. Ella wasn't your typical girl and that made her even more unique and beautiful. Erik couldn't say anything so he just pulled her lips to his again, refusing to let her go. 

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