Gerard Butler

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Another request for BrendaDaaeDestler

How the hell was it 6 p.m?!?! My boyfriend, Gerard, was supposed to be here at 6:45 to pick me up. We were currently in Paris,France and we found out that they were doing a Phantom of the Opera play tonight. Him being the amazing man he is, was taking us to see it. I rushed to the bathroom putting a light coat of makeup on and adding curls to my hair. After five minutes of half-curling my hair, I rushed back to the bedroom throwing my knee length red dress on, zipping up the back. I glanced at the clock and noticed it was now 6:30. Right on time, I thought. I sat down on the bed to put my black heels on and made sure I had everything I needed in my clutch. I heard a knock on the door before someone entered. 

"You ready babe?" My loving boyfriend asked.

"Yes." I smiled brightly at him, holding his hand as I closed and locked the door. Letting him lead the way we made our way to the limo he had waiting for us. "I have a huge surprise for you tonight. I think you're going to love it since you're prepared." I looked at him confused but he didn't say anything else. I looked out the Paris city lights when the limo came to an abrupt stop. Gerard opened the door getting out, holding out a hand for me to take. I took it and stepped out of the limo staring at the huge Paris Opera House. It was similar to the one from Phantom of the Opera and it was absolutely beautiful! We made our way up the stairs and through the doors. I was confused when Gerard led me to a dressing room. "Your surprise awaits...Christine" It took a minute before I processed what he meant. Oh you've gotta be kidding me! "I'm playing Christine? Are you crazy?!?! I can't sing that well!" "Relax babe. You sing flawlessly like Christine. I wouldn't of done this if I didn't believe in you. If it makes things better I'm playing the Phantom." I felt a little relieved. "We have 7 minutes to get ready and wait for our cue. So go on and get ready and I'll see you on stage. I love you babe and I believe in you." I smiled before leaning in to kiss Gerard before we went our separate ways. I quickly hurried into the dressing room letting the makeup artist and hair stylist do their thing. As soon as they finished I scrambled to put the dress I was to wear on. The play lasted I'm not sure how long but I knew I could do this. I believed in myself. 

*Hours later* 

We had just finished the play and the audience stood up giving us a standing ovation. We all held hands taking a bow. I didn't anticipate the next move. Gerard grabbed my face and kissed me in front of everyone. I felt like a teenager love struck as I felt butterflies in my stomach. The audience applauded and let out whistles as the curtains closed. Gerard was still dressed as the Phantom, which made it so hot when he spoke as if he were still the Phantom. "You were incredible my dear." I wanted to faint right then and there. The Opera didn't mind letting us take the costumes home as a thank you for performing there. Carrying my clutch and the bag that held our clothes, we made our way to the doors of the Opera House. Still holding my hand, Gerard sang The Music of the Night. People had their phones out video recording the entire thing and followed us to the limo as he finished singing. I noticed that one person was his driver and had Gerard's phone video recording it all. I smiled as everyone started clapping. Once again, he grabbed my face kissing me again before we got into the limo. The driver handed Gerard his phone back before getting into the drivers seat. "We did amazing tonight! Thank you so much for it all. I will never forget this! I love you so much!" I exclaimed crying a little bit while hugging Gerard. "I love you which is why I did it. I'm hoping that more things like this will be in our future. I have never loved anyone like how I love you. I would do anything to see you smile." Gerard said placing a hand on my cheek looking into my eyes. I realized 4 things tonight.  1. I love Gerard more than I could ever explain.  2. Gerard and I were the real life Christine and Phantom.  3. If Gerard really was the Phantom, I would be one damn lucky woman.  And the last thing is I would never forget this amazing opportunity and night. 

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