Mike Banning

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For hardywoman99

"What do you mean she got a week's worth of school suspension?" Mike asked his wife, Sara, in disbelief. 

"She got into a fight again with four other girls. She broke two noses, caused another girl to have a minor concussion after smacking her head into a locker a few times, and the last girl has a black eye with a busted lip and has bruising on her back from where Amber rammed her into the lock part on a locker." Sara told her husband as she rubbed a hand down her face. She had an idea of what was going on. "Her grades are also slipping now. None of this started until you started leaving. Mike, you need to take some breaks because it's obviously not just me it's affecting." 

Mike's heart started aching at his wife's confession. He didn't know it was bothering his family and he was hurt that neither one of them felt like they could talk to him about such an issue. 

With tears welling up in his eyes, Mike asked his wife, "Why didn't either of you tell me?"

"You haven't been home." His wife answered with a cold tone. 

Sara was upset that her husband hadn't been home much and he never tried to take a break to spend time with them. She knew his schedule with President Asher which meant he was busying himself with something else without telling her. 

"I know you haven't been with President Asher all the time, so what have you been doing?" 

Mike sighed, knowing that he had been caught. "I've been making preparations for us all to go on vacation to Italy. Venice to be precise. Then we would be going to Lungern, Obwalden, Switzerland. I know Amber only has two weeks, well one week now, left of school before they're out for the summer. We could get all of her homework for today and next week and just bring it with us and get it done the day after we get to Venice. Since today is Friday and you will be leaving to get her in a few minutes since she can't stay the rest of the day, we can pack and just leave today. It's Friday and she won't be able to go back until the Monday after this coming up one. It's a perfect plan. It's only ten so we can get her, pack, and go. President Asher is letting us use one of his private planes. Amber is only eleven years old and she shouldn't be dealing with everything that she's dealing with. She definitely should not be getting into fights at this age either. We can figure everything out on the way there, but I want us to get away, relax, and be the family that we are." Mike told Sara, getting more excited with every word he said. 

Sara laughed at her husband's actions. "I'm glad you thought all of that up. I do need to leave now to go get Amber. I'll be back shortly and I'll make sure to get all of her homework for today and next week." She kissed her husband before grabbing her purse and leaving.

Sara pulled up to her daughter's school. After throwing the car into park, she stepped out and headed inside of the school and to the principal's office. 

"Hello Mrs. Banning. Please have a seat." The principal, Derek, told Sara. 

Sara sat down next to her daughter, who had a frustrated look on her face. 

"Your daughter has been getting into fights over the past few months. She claims that she was defending herself and being provoked. I find that hard to believe. Her grades are slipping drastically." The man explained with a look of disapproval on his face. 

"You mean my daughter is dealing with her father not being home because of his job of protecting our president of the United States and she's being bullied because you are being hypocritical stating that you don't tolerate bullying yet you allow it to happen to my daughter? You don't want to make me angry Derek. I can have you fired for allowing more than just bullying to happen here. My husband would not be as generous and kind as I am. However, my husband doesn't have the knowledge of certain things that you have as secrets. Do tell me, does your wife know that you're sleeping with the vice principal and the secretary? You are going to get my daughter's homework for today and all of next week. If I find out that the very last week of school my daughter is still getting bullied and the bullies go unpunished, I will return with my husband and I will have you investigated for your other activities." Sara calmly told Derek. 

Amber's eyes widened and her jaw dropped before she busted out laughing. Derek immediately jumped up out of his seat and rushed out the door to gather all of Amber's homework for the day and the next week. He rushed back in within ten minutes with a stack of papers. 

"Thank you Derek. Now, Amber sweetie, go get all of your books and we will leave." Sara flashed a smile to her daughter. 

Amber grinned and left to go gather her books. 

"You're...you're not going to tell my wife or anyone else, right?" Derek gulped. 

"Only if you handle those bullies and make them leave my daughter alone." Sara snarled at him. 

Amber came back in with her bag filled with her books. "I'm ready mom." 

"Good. Let's go." Sara opened the door for her daughter to walk through. Right before she walked out, she turned around to look Derek in the eyes. "You better keep what I said in mind. It would be a shame if everyone finds out your extra activities." Sara turned back around and walked out leaving Derek sweating and nervous. 

"How did you know what was going on mom?" Amber sadly asked her mom.

"I'm smarter than you think baby. Your dad has a good reason for not being home. He's been making it possible for us to go on vacation to Venice, Italy then to Lungern, Obwalden, Switzerland. You will get your homework done tomorrow so we can focus on the trip. I know you can pass your tests easily. If you focus on your homework and can get an A+ on all of it as well as your finals, you will be okay. Your dad and I will talk so he can understand everything that you've been having to deal with." 

The mother and daughter made it to the car and got in. Once they were buckled up, they pulled out of the parking lot and headed home. They pulled in the driveway and put it in park, leaving the car running and seen Mike was standing on the porch with their suitcases. 

"I think I got everything packed. You guys might just want to look and make sure." Mike told his family with a smile on his face. 

"Daddy!!!" Amber yelled while running. She flung herself into her father's arms. 

Sara teared up at that. Amber and her mother checked their suitcases and noticed that everything they needed was in there including their phone chargers. They loaded the car up and got in this time with Mike driving. They began their trip to the airport. The ride there was filled with the discussion of what was happening in their daughter's life and how Sara threatened the principal, which made Mike the happiest man at his wife's defensive side about their daughter. 

After the car was turned off, the family got out and pulled their luggage out. Mike handed the car keys to President Asher who was there to see them off. 

"You be careful there. I still need you to save my ass." Ben and Mike shared a laugh at that statement. 

"Will do, sir." 

The trio boarded the plane and began their trip to Venice. Amber did all of her homework on the plane that way it was done and out of the way and even went so far as to study for the finals the week after next. Mike was happy that he got time off to spend with his family and take this vacation. Amber felt better knowing that school would be different and her dad would be there as much as he could for her and her mom. 

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