Gonna Love You (Mike Banning)

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"I NEED A DOCTOR!!!!!" Mike yelled as he ran into the hospital emergency room while carrying his girlfriend in his arms. 

The mission he and his girlfriend and their team were on had completely went to shit. His girlfriend engaged in a shootout to protect them all, and in the process, had taken multiple gunshot wounds to the abdomen. The trauma repeating in Mike's head as he ran into the hospital and placed his girl on the gurney before the doctors and nurses ran off to the surgery room to try to save her life. Mike stood in the Emergency Room watching the love of his life being taken away. The rest of the team had came bursting in right behind him, some with tears in their eyes, and others with rage on their face for the men responsible for the current situation. 

"Where did they take her?" Zack, one of the men on the team, asked. 

"To surgery. They don't know if she's going to make it with how much blood..." Mike didn't finish his sentence as his knees became weak and tears flooded down his face while he collapsed to the floor. The guys caught him and they all became caught in a group hug. 

"She's going to be fine. She has to be. She's the toughest out of us all and she won't go down without a fight." Zack spoke, trying to convince himself of a positive outcome. 

The guys waited in a secluded waiting room when President Asher came bursting in. 

"What the hell happened out there?! Is she going to be okay?!" Asher spoke with many emotions flooding through him. 

"The mission went to shit and we became engaged in a shootout. She covered us and kept firing shot after shot then she fell down with gunshots in her abdomen. She managed to kill all but two of them. We took care of them while Banning took off with her." Ryan, another team member, told the President. 

Asher's eyes filled up with tears at the commitment that the woman had for her team and the mission along with the fear, that the woman who had became a good friend, was fighting for her life. The men sat down and waited for hours before a doctor came out. 

"We managed to stop the bleeding and remove the bullets. She's in a coma and don't know when or if she'll wake up. It's up to her now to keep fighting, but we give her a 5% chance of making it. You guys can see her now and we do encourage you to talk to her in case she can hear. Be gentle with her but you can also hold her hand or some other form of physical contact. She's in room 212." The doctor told them with sympathy in his eyes before he turned around and left. 

The guys ran to her room not caring about how they looked. The second they made it to her room their eyes filled with tears seeing all the machines she was hooked up to along with all of the needles in her skin. They stood around her bed, holding onto each other just staring at her pale skin. 

Nine days had passed and she was still in a coma. Mike was sitting in a chair beside the bed and holding her hand. The others were just staring down at floor or at the ceiling, constantly replaying the events in their heads. Mike felt his girlfriend's hand twitch and he sat up abruptly. His gaze moved from their hands to her face and his breath hitched in his throat the second he seen her eyes flutter open. 

"Baby???" Mike whispered while tears fell down his cheeks. 

"M...Mike" She whispered in a hoarse voice then she began crying. 

"HEY SOMEONE GET IN HERE!!!" Zack yelled once he was in the hallway. 

The doctor and nurses came rushing in to check on the woman. 

"How are you feeling?" The doctor asked her while the nurses checked her vitals to make sure everything was where it should be. 

"I'm just sore from...and my throat is scratchy." She replied. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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