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For IAMTIEBROUS I'm so sorry that I'm now doing this imagine but I hope you like it!

It had been a year since Tory had been living with Dracula. In the beginning of their arrangements, neither one had been fond of one another. Three months into Tory's stay, she and Dracula had slowly began to open up to each other and teach the other one new things. The castle had once been dark and lonely, but one fateful occurrence had brought them together. Then into the sixth month, he confessed everything to Tory. The story of how he betrayed Jesus and was cursed to be a vampire until he had learned to love and care for someone other than himself and money. He had long gave up hope of ever finding someone to break the curse, and then Tory came along and his views started changing. She knew of everything that he did and accepted it and him. He felt like he didn't deserve her. She was so pure, innocent, kind hearted, and loving. Everything he wished he could've been earlier in his life, but he was glad he hadn't been because he had never loved or cared for a woman like he did for Tory. Neither one dared to tell the other one of their love because of the fear of being hurt and let down. The two were currently sitting in front of the fireplace, sitting as close as possible, with Tory reading out loud to Dracula. Dracula was listening to her but his gaze was solely on her, studying her features and falling more in love. Hours had passed and Tory had placed the bookmark into her book. She turned to glance at the clock and panicked. 

"I'm going to be late!" She exclaimed as she and Dracula stood up. She was due to visit her parents tonight like she did twice a week. Dracula chuckled before grabbing the book out of her hand and handing her her jacket that was placed on the coat rack beside the fireplace. 

"Here's your jacket. Please be careful out there." Dracula softly told her, voicing his concern for her. 

"Thank you, love. I will be. I'll be home within an hour or hour and a half." She smiled up at him causing him to become speechless. Her smile never failed to make him feel warm inside.

"Alright. If you need anything just say my name and I'll hear you and be there as fast as I can." He told her before placing a kiss on her forehead. This was something he had been doing every time she was going to go out. Neither of them seemed to mind this action though. 

"I will Drac. Be careful if you go out. You know those hunters are restless." She frowned. 

"I promise I will be careful as I can be. Now, you should get going." He chuckled down at Tory. 

She smiled before planting a kiss on his cheek before turning around and making way to the door. She opened the door and gave one last glance at him noticing his hand was on the place she had kissed and smiled before exiting, closing the door behind her. Tory began walking down the road to her parent's house. It was only a ten minute walk and there was hardly anyone out at this time of night. Dracula had watched as she walked out and stood there stunned. Any form of affection she gave him caused him to become speechless. Ten minutes later Tory had reached her parent's house and entered. 

"I'm here!" She called out as she entered the kitchen seeing her dad standing there. 

"Hi sweetheart! I have supper made for us all." The man smiled brightly at his daughter. Him and his wife looked forward to the two days of each week that they got to spend with their daughter. The family hugged before sitting down and placing food onto their plates. 

"Hi baby. How are you doing?" Her mother asked with a smile on her face. 

"I'm the best I can be. How are you guys doing? "

"We're doing great. We've been traveling to little places in between the time that you don't come over. We even bought you and your boyfriend some little souvenirs." Her mother told her, causing her face to turn red. She had lied and told her parents that she had a boyfriend and she was staying with him. 

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