Mike Banning

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Another request for The-Man-with-No-Name

My back hurt intensely from my scars that weren't that new, but weren't that old either. I had scars that covered my back from large gashes that I received after being kidnapped four months ago. They were slowly healing but it still hurt. I stared at my back in the mirror for a moment longer then turned to turn on the shower. Mike's footsteps moved from the bedroom into the bathroom. 

"Mind if I join?" Mike asked while wrapping his arms around my waist. 

"Nope" I responded. 

Mike stripped my clothing off then his. We both stepped into the shower letting the hot water run over us. I turned my back towards Mike letting the water run over my face. The only sound that could be heard was a gasp coming from Mike. I felt his fingers gently trail across the gashes that were now scars. He kissed along every inch of the scars and wrapped his arms tightly around my waist pulling me against him. 

"I never knew this was what you were hiding.." Mike trailed off.

"I never wanted you to see them. What I went through was hell and I don't ever want to go through it again" I whispered looking at Mike's chest trailing my fingers up through his chest hair before resting my forehead against his chest. No more words were said, but his actions spoke loud and clear as he washed my hair and body for me. I knew it hurt Mike a lot seeing me go through this. Once we both were clean and rinsed off, we stepped out of the shower drying off not worried about putting clothing on. Mike led me to the bed. 

"Sit down" He stated softly, walking away and back to the bathroom.

I did as told and just closed my eyes. The bed shifted and a cold substance touched my back causing it to sting a little then it faded as what I'm guessing was a cream of some sort, was put over my scars. My back felt relieved and I turned my head seeing Mike place everything on the floor. The bed shifted again as he layed down on his back pulling me on top of him with his arms resting on my waist. My head was placed against his chest turned to the right so I could look out of the window. The moon was shining through the window right onto both of us. 

"I know what you went through couldn't of been easy but don't ever shut me out. I'm here for you whenever you need me. You won't be alone." Mike said with sadness in his voice. His lips pressed against my head. We were still naked laying on the bed, the cool night air caressing our bare skin due to the windows being open. The sheets were just up to our waists. 

"I love you, Mike" I said while raising my head to look him in the eyes. 

"I love you" A soft smile spreading across his face. 

Mike gently placed me beside him before getting up to put his boxers on. I sat up wrapping the sheet around me placing my feet over the side of the bed placing them on the floor. I wasn't paying attention to what Mike was doing until I seen him on a knee in front of me with a black box in his hand, the lid open showing a diamond ring. Tears welled up in my eyes. 

"I love you so much. I wouldn't have made it this far if it wasn't for you. You've always been there for me regardless of what it was or how difficult it was. You never gave up on me. Will you marry me?" Mike spoke with tears running down his cheeks. 

I couldn't hold the tears back anymore and they started pouring down my face. "A million times yes!!" I choked out while sliding off of the bed and onto the floor in front of him. He slid the ring onto my finger. His hands then reached up to cup my face and kissed me like there was no tomorrow. We both stood up still crying and made our way back to the bed. Mike layed down pulling me down beside him, placing the sheet back over us and wrapped his arms around me not letting go. 

"I love you"

"I love you too Mike"

With his arms wrapped tightly around me and one final kiss, we fell into a blissful slumber. 

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