Hunting for the Day

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I was walking around the small forest. I was looking for something to hunt. I used to go ice fishing in the tundra nearby but after two men moved in and built a house I haven't dared go there. I heard a crunching noise from a few feet away and crouched down behind a bush, listening and scanning the area for the source of the sound.


     There it was again, to my left. I quietly lifted myself from the ground, just enough to peek over the bush and saw a small herd of deer. There were three doe and a single buck amongst them. I smiled to myself. Even bringing one of those down would last me for a few days. I drew an arrow from my quiver and secured it on my bow and pulled it back, aiming for the nearest one, a small doe grazing on a tuft of grass. I plucked the yew and the arrow went flying through the air, straight into the center of its neck. The others shot their heads up when the one i shot went tumbling to the floor. In a second they had danced away, running on their nimble feet. I smiled ruefully as I walked over and used my dagger to slice the doe's neck. Ending her suffering. I sat for a moment and prayed that her spirit may find peace in the heavens. I grabbed her body and hoisted it onto my shoulder before glancing at the sky. It was getting late. I should head back home before the wolves begin their hunt.

     I waddled back to my little cabin and laid the deer on my little outdoor table. I had built a small stone wall with plenty of torches to keep the animals out. Well, most of them. I heard a small whine and a nudge on my leg. I smiled and glanced down at the puppy.

     A week ago, I had been hunting in the woods when I had head loud whimpers coming from a ditch. When i looked down there was a small wolf pup who had twisted his ankle. It would be an understatement if I were to say I was surprised. He seems much too young to have been let out of his den. Alas, he was lying there, in the cold of winter, whining his little head off. I decided to take him home and nurse him back to health. Seems the little guy has taken a liking to me as he won't leave my side. Except when I go hunting, of course.

     I crouched down and pet him, scratching the back of his ears as well. He panted and let his tongue roll out, adding to the cuteness. His gray and brown tail wagging. I smiled.

     "Who's a good boy?" I cooed at him before he barked at me. "That's right! You are!" I laughed. Oh how the little wolf could bring me joy.

     I forced myself to pull away and pushed a log towards the table, getting ready to skin the deer. I got comfortable and started the process. As I sat there I thought out loud and spoke to the pup, who had curled up in the space between my legs and my seat.

     "You know, boy. I should really give you a name. Maybe you can decide. I think that your paw is healing quite well, considering you were able to walk up to me just now." I cut out one of  the leg bones and laid it down for him. "Maybe you're ready to venture out with me. Although the forest could be dangerous, as I could lose sight of you." I smiled, "I know! We could go to the ocean. There is a small bay there and I could fish while you look around. It's quite a while away but I'm sure we can get there and back within a few hours." I handed him some more meat and cut off some slices for myself before cutting up the rest and throwing it in a chest. Miraculously, my food never goes bad.

     I went back in the house and placed my venison in a pot before lighting the fire below it. While I let my food cook I grabbed the little puppy and placed him in my lap. He still had some food left but he didn't seem to hungry. I unwrapped the wool bandage I had wrapped around his paw and took a look, watching his little face for any reactions to my prying. After a fee minutes I had decided he was much better and very capable of exploring the beach with me tomorrow. I smiled as I threw the old wool strips into a small bin in the middle of the room and set him back down on my wooden floor.
     I then waited a bit more before retrieving my food and eating it. I then went outa d washed my hands by the well and retreated back into my house. I had found that the puppy was already sound asleep in his small woolen carpet at the foot of my bed and smiled before climbing into my own bed to sleep.

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