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      "What in the world is going on here?"

      My eyes fluttered open slightly at the sudden voice of Techno.

      "Techno, shut up. They're sleeping."

     "Ugh, you guys can be all lovey-dovey as you want just do it in your own room.

      "Techno! What the fuck?!"

      I opened my eyes fully, realizing I'd fallen asleep leaning on Tommy's shoulder. I yawned, sitting up straight. Steve had moved to cover my whole lap, Aster now curled tightly on my opposite side from Tommy. The blonde had and arm around my shoulder, allowing me to rest against him with comfort. I was too groggy to fully comprehend what Techno was saying. "Oh, 'morning, Techno." I smiled sleepily. "When did you get back?"

     "It's literally sunset-"

      "What about me?" Tommy whined. "I want a 'good morning'."

     Techno faked a gag, "Ew, stop being in love. It's gross."  

      "We're not in love!" Tommy and I glared up at Techno.

      "We're just friends." I nodded along to what the blonde was saying.

      "Yeah. What he said."

      "Mhm. Sure you are. Just keep telling yourselves that."

"What does that mean?" Tommy called but the man was already walking away, "Techno! What does that mean?!"

     I smiled, looking down at the animals curled around me. "Aww, sweet babies."

      Aster yapped once in his sleep before turning his head away slightly.

I grinned, scratching his head gently, "What a good boy~"

"(Y/N)," Techno came stomping back over. "I swear to the God if you just called my brother a good boy I'm going to-"

I glanced up, finally looking at the pink haired man. "Techno, I didn't..." I blinked... his arm was drenched in blood, although I doubt it was his. "What... happened?"

He shrugged, glancing down, "Nothing much. Just a fight." His hand clenched tightly, "It's surprising how much damage a pickaxe can do."

"Do you need help? I could wrap it with bandages or something."

"No, I just need you and Tommy to quit half-assing your relationship." I blushed and out of the corner of my eye I think Tommy did too. "I hate slackers. If you're going to do something, do it right."

Tommy went to say something but Techno stormed off for the second time. I almost got up to pursue him. "(Y/N)." A gentle hand was placed on my shoulder, allowing me to relax. "Don't worry. He's been through worse."

I sighed, leaning into the touch just a little. "Fine. If you say so."

He smiled, "Cool." He hummed for a moment, thinking. "We should probably move upstairs. It's basically night anyway."

I nodded, "Okay. Did you sleep while I was out?" I gently lifted Steve into my hands and Tommy stood, grabbing Aster. Gently, might I add.

"No. I was making sure you wouldn't have another nightmare."

"Aww," I cooed teasingly, following him up the stairs. "Thank you, Tommy."

      He glanced back, smiling, "Yeah, yeah. Shut up."

      "I think it's helping though."

      "What is?"

       "Whatever you're doing so I don't have a nightmare. I haven't had one since... that one time"

       He lowered his head, making sure I couldn't see his face as we entered our room, "Well, I just hug you and stuff. It's no big deal."

      I laughed lightly, "Oh, really? Well, thank you."

      He hummed, "It's no problem."

      We placed the animals down in the corner. Tommy had set up a make-shift bed on the floor for them. It was a space at the end of his bed that was layered in blankets. Plenty of room for both Steve and Aster.

      Tommy stood next to me, staring down at the sleepy pets. "There's something missing... Oh, Aster must've dragged their blanket downstairs earlier. I'll be right back."

      I nodded, moving out of the way so that he could run down, looking for whatever blanket he was looking for. I hummed, walking around the room. I'm not exactly tired, I slept earlier.

      I looked around, spotting a small brown book that was sticking out from under Tommy's pillow. Oh, I shouldn't touch it.

      But I want to.

      But I really shouldn't...

     Oh, what the fuck? I'll just glance at it. It won't do any harm.

      I walked over, picking it up. Tommy's Big Man Diary. Huh. Very big man of you, Tommy. No, really. Writing down feelings and emotions and stuff is really good. I heard it's frowned upon. I wonder why.

       "Okay! I'm back." Tommy walked in. "Oh! (Y/N). What've you have there..." I held up the book and his eyes widened. "You... have my diary." He let out a short, forced laugh. "How?"

      I blinked, "It was sticking out from under your pillow. I was going to re-hide it for you."

      "Oh. Uh, thanks." He draped the thin blanket he was holding over the animals and walked over, taking the book from me. "You... didn't read it, right?"

      "No. I didn't open it at all. Just the title."  
       "Okay, okay." He sighed, looking relieved. "Good."

       "Why?" I grinned teasingly, "Did you write bad things about me in there?"

       He chuckled, throwing the book back under his pillow, "Oh, the things I wrote would break your heart."

       I placed a hand over my chest, moving and flopping down on my bed. "Aw. You hurt me."

      "Oh please, stop acting weak. You know I'm kidding." He rolled his eyes.

      "Oh? So does that mean you wrote embarrassingly nice things about me?" I grinned cheekily at him.

      He blushed, "Of course not!"

      "Oh, sure. Whatever, Tommy." I waved a hand. I rolled over, facing my back to him, and pulling a blanket over my body. "Goodnight."

      "I-" He sighed and I heard him hop into bed. "Goodnight."

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