Making Friends?

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      I groaned, waking up to knocking on the door.

     "Five more minutes," said a sleepy voice. Wait. I didn't say that.

     Now more alert, I glanced over, seeing a sleepy looking Tommy leaning against me, he had his hands wrapped tightly around one of my hands and I widened my eyes. Had we fallen asleep like this? I could've sworn I forced him to sleep on the bed while I slept on the floor, why was he down here? Besides, since when can he sleep sitting upright? I can only do it because all my nights sitting up and reading-

"(Y/N), Tommy. C'mon. It's mornin'."

"No... I'm tired." Tommy called, refusing to open his eyes.

I sighed, nudging him with my shoulder. "Wakey, wakey, Big Man."

He groaned, "Wait... since when was (Y/N)-" He widened his eyes when he saw me. "Oh! I thought I only dreamt that you came back!" He embraced me in a tight hug, "Oh, I'm so glad."

I smiled sheepishly and patted his back, my other arm caught in his hug, "Yeah, yeah. Don't go soft on me now, Tommy."

He pulled away and chuckled, "Okay, fine." He hummed, "Were you the one who woke me up?"

"Well, I only did because Techno's knocking on the door."

"Yeah! And I'm still waiting!"

"Oh. I see." Tommy stood up, lending me a hand.

I let out a short laugh, letting him help me up. (It wasn't much help, though, he was pretty weak from lack of nutrients but I didn't want him to feel bad.) "Chivalry isn't dead I see."

He raised a brow, "Who's Chivalry?"


Tommy opened his mouth to question me when Techno pounded on the door. "Tommy, I swear to god if you don't open this door right now I'm making you sleep outside."

Tommy rolled his eyes and walked over, opening the door. "Ah. Brother."

Techno stared at him for a moment. "You really don't know what chivalry is?"

"No...? Wait, tell me what it is!"

"No, no. It makes sense that you don't know. It's fine," Techno waved a dismissive hand and cocked his head towards the stairs. "Anyway, breakfast is ready. Come down as soon as you can." He turned to leave but snapped his fingers, as if remembering something, and turned back to us. "Also, Tommy, lend (Y/N) some of your clothes. Mine and Phil's won't fit on them and I doubt they will want to wear... that," he gestured to my short sleeve and shorts, "in the middle of the Tundra."

"Oh," Tommy turned to me and grimaced, "Yeah, good point." He nodded to Techno, "We'll be down stairs in a bit."

The man nodded, flicking his long pink hair and walked off.

"So, (Y/N), what's your usual style?"

"Um, what do you mean?"

He glanced back at me from his dresser, "Like... what do you usually wear?"

I shrugged, "What ever I have that's available I guess. It usually suits the weather, though."

"Oh, okay," Tommy hummed in though, pulling out various articles of clothing and placing them in different piles. He carried on doing this for a while until he finally nodded to himself, handing me a stack. "I'll go change in the bath room and you can change here. I'll see you down stairs in a bit," he said, walking out and gently closing the door behind him.

Oh. Okay. That makes sense but this is his room. Shouldn't he be the one changing in here and I go to the bathroom to change? Oh well, it was his decision, I suppose.

I walked over to the door, locked it, and began changing. Tommy had given me some thick pants that were quite light yet still somehow warm. They fit quite snugly and I could already feel my body heating up. He also gave me a T-Shirt. It was a nice teal color and fit well under the Maroon sweater that had artwork of two axes on the back. I smiled. I quite liked the outfit.

Practically skipping down the stairs I made my way towards where Phil and Techno would be.

     "How long does it to get changed?" Techno asked, monotonously as he placed pancakes on four different plates.

     I blinked, glancing over to see Phil and Tommy already seated. "Oh, sorry, I didn't realize I took that long-"

     "No, don't apologize," Tommy interrupted me, patting the empty chair besides him. "Techno's just messing with you."

     "No, it was an actual-"


     The man huffed, passing the plates to all of us. "Fine, Tommy. It was a joke." He delicately placed a bottle of maple syrup on the table. "Happy?"

Tommy hummed quietly, "I guess."

     Techno raised a brow, "You wish? I made freaking chocolate chip pancakes for you because I know you like sugar and I'm being nice to someone I don't like all that much for you and you 'guess' you're happy?" He obviously didn't mean it maliciously and more as a brotherly banter, however I still took slight offense to what he said about me.

     "Techno, it's not nice to say you don't like someone to their face. (Y/N)'s really cool and badass like you. I'm sure you two will get along." When the man didn't respond and simply chewed his food in silence Tommy spoke again, "Steve and Aster have been getting along."

     I smiled at this, this means Aster is okay! I was going to ask about him but my concerns were mainly focused on Tommy. Because he's okay, though I can't wait to see my little puppy again.

     "Yeah, whatever. Just because our pets get along doesn't mean we will."

      I felt Tommy nudge me and I looked up from my food. "Say something," he urged quietly.

     I sighed, swallowing. "So, what... kind of animal is Steve? A cat?"

      "He's my polar bear."

      I blinked, "Your what now?"

      "My Polar. Bear." He glanced up, staring into my eyes with his own blood red ones. "Like the white furred bears? Who live in the arctic? Eat seals? Fish?"

     "I know what a polar bear is. I'm just surprised you domesticated one..."

     "Oh. He's a cub so it's fine."

      "Oh! That makes sense."


      "Yeah..." Boy, was this going to be difficult.

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