Finding Comfort in a Friend

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     I yawned when the rising sun shined through my window. I had been working all night on Tommy's clothes and was almost done. I needed just a bit more hide for the pants. I even made him a blanket with the wool I had. I sighed and slumped forwards, my body begging for sleep. I was slowly drifting off... it felt so nice...

      My chair shook and I heard Aster bark obnoxiously. He licked my leg, causing me to groan and pull away from his wet tongue.

      "Ew, Aster what the hell?" I scolded slightly. He barked again, paying no mind to my annoyance and I sighed, "Alright, alright. I get it, you're hungry." I pushed myself out of the chair and towards the chest I had full of meats. I pulled out some venison and placed it in Aster's bowl.

     Aster merely looked at me expectantly, ignoring the food I placed in front of him.


      He pushed the bowl towards me and looked up again, barking.

      "Since when were you a picky eater?" I mumbled, replacing the venison with pork as he happily chowed down. "I guess it's because you ate venison for three whole days straight, huh?"

      Aster looked at me and barked, almost as if he was agreeing. What a smart boy.

      "Awh. You're such a good boy." I said as I pat his head before throwing some venison in a pot and lighting a fire beneath it. I sat in front of the fire and played with Aster's fur so as not to nod off. Eventually it cooked and I ate my breakfast. I was getting pretty tired of meat all the time. Maybe I should go looking for carrots and stuff.

     As I ran my fingers through the pup's fur I noticed clots and such, prompting me to give him a bath. I sighed tiredly.  I sure am busy today.

     Once we both finished eating I picked the grey-furred canine up, much to his disapproval, and walked out my home. I, being the smart person I am, built my wall to surround a relativity shallow stream. Not inly did it provide clean, running water, but also a safe place to get clean. I placed Aster down and pulled a few cloths out of my pockets. Yes. I keep cloth in my person when I can. It's very useful.

      Aster voiced his distaste with multiple whimpers and yelps. I sighed as I ignored him and continued washing his dirtied coat in the water. After a couple of minutes he seemed clean enough and I pulled him into my lap, drying him off as he say shivering in the cold air. With the damp gray fur clinging to his body he looked so small... So cute!

      I gently picked him up and walked back to my house. I feel much less tired then I did before. Once Aster had curled up in his bed at the foot of my bed I hummed in thought.

      Eventually I gave Aster a few pats on the head before grabbing my weapons and heading out to hunt.


      I sighed, night had fallen once again and I smiled brightly at the completed attire for my new found friend. I glanced over at Aster but he was already fast asleep. I smiled and folded the shirt, pants, and blanket before stacking them neatly and heading out.

      It didn't take me too long to reach Logstedshire, considering my feet were quickened by excitement. As I neared, however I slowed down. I heard a voice. It was unmistakably Tommy. It was strange though. He was singing.

     "I heard there was a special place,"

     I neared and saw him staring out across the sea.

      "Where men could go and emancipate,"

      Who knew Tommy could use such big words, I thought sarcastically, standing back so as not to disturb him.

      "From the brutality and tyranny of their rulers."

      The way he sung the verses sounded quite melancholy.

     "This place is real, we needn't fret! With Wilbur, Tommy, Tub-" I widened my eyes when I heard a broken sob. He hugged himself tightly and cried, "Tubbo..."

      I quickly walked towards him and placed the clothes down on the floor, "Tommy? What happened?"

      He wiped his eyes and looked away from me, "Nothing." He paused for a moment and sniffed, shaking slightly. "How... how much of that did you see...?"

      I furrowed my brows and decided to lie. For his sake. "Not much. I just got here and heard you crying." I sat next to him and hesitantly hugged him, "Do you... want to cry it out? It might help." It seemed like it might just hurt him to talk about it.

     He returned my hug and cried silently against me as I patted his back. "There, there..." I mumbled soothingly, trying to help. He gripped the clothes against my back tightly as he sobbed. I felt so bad. Mainly because there was nothing I could do to help. We sat there for a while and my eyes slowly grew heavier and heavier until eventually, I fell asleep. Guess I shouldn't have pulled an all nighter the day before, huh'?

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