"This Sounds Like Flurting"

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      Tommy stood once he had finished eating. "C'mon, (Y/N). I'm going to show you where Aster is!"

    I grinned, "Really?! Yes!" I stood, wiping my face and taking one last sip of tea. "Thank you so much Techno. Phil. Breakfast was really good."

     Phil waved me off with a fatherly smile and Techno nodded, "Yeah, whatever."

     Tommy then grabbed my arm and dragged me towards the front door. "C'mon, hurry."

     I stumbled over my own feet, struggling to keep up with Tommy and regain my balance at the same time. "Okay, okay."

     "Here," Tommy handed me some boots once we got to the doorway and sat down to put his own pair on. "These make sure your toes don't freeze off."

     I smiled, slipping them on and tying the laces. "Thanks."

    Once his were firmly on his feet her bolted up. "Let's go!"

    "Tommy, chill. I still have to tie this boot."

     "Okay, okay. I'll wait." He crossed his arms, looking down at me as I did my laces. "Only for you."

     I rolled my eyes, trying desperately to hide my blush. "I'm flattered," I muttered with the most sarcasm I could muster.

     The boy chuckled, poking my cheek once I stood next to him. "I think you are."

     "I-" he opened the door and walked out into the snow. "Hey!"

     I stepped out into the cold and closed the door behind me. "What the hell, man? I'm not flustered."

     "I never said you're flustered. I said you're flattered. Although," he turned and sent me a cheeky grin, "You look flustered too."

     I huffed turning my head and crossing my arms, "Yeah, yeah. Pretend all you want. I'm just cold."

     He hummed a small 'mhm' before beginning to walk around the house. "Sure you are, (Y/N)."

     Oh, he thought he's so good for making me blush. "Fine. You're really observant, aren't you, handsome."

     He seemed to choke on nothing as he stoped in his tracks. "What does that even mean?"

     "Y'know, handsome. Attractive. Good looking." I grinned, "Would you like me to continue?"


     "Aww, what's wrong? Is someone flustered?"

     He shot me a quick glare, allowing me to see how red his blush was, "You're evil."

     "Oh, please. I was just telling the truth," I sang, continuing to walk past him. "Anyway, where are we going."

     "Oh, right," he walked up beside me, rubbing his cheeks. "Steve and Aster are in their own separate pen behind the house."

     "Alright," I chuckled, walking with my blushing friend.

     After about a minute we rounded a corner of the building and a large, snowy pen was visible, as well as a miniature house like structure with flap doors. As we approached two bodies, one grey and brown and the other white, came tumbling out to greet us.

     The smaller bear cup made cute noises as he gripped the lowest pegs of the wooden fence to look up at me and Tommy. Meanwhile, Aster barked happily, trying to climb over the fence all together.

     I laughed, roaching down to pat their heads before walking towards the gate with Tommy. Once inside their enclose Aster tackled me down, the same happening to Tommy with Steve. The two of us human laughed as the animals left slobbery kisses all over our faces and I gently pushed Aster off of me, sitting up.

     "Hey, boy. I'm so glad you're okay." I ruffled his fur, giving him a gentle kiss on his furry head. He barked at me, making me laugh even more, "I missed you too, bud."

     I felt a wet nose bump against my cheek and I turned my head, seeing the dark brown eyes of Steve as he sniffed at my face. After a few moments he licked my cheek before running off, letting out a baby roar at Aster. I giggled, watching the two animals play as I wiped the slobber from my face.

     "They get along really well."

     I nodded, allowing Tommy to sit next to me. "What a relief."

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